# XML Actions on every node [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/MARTIMM/XmlActions.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/MARTIMM/XmlActions) [![AppVeyor Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/6yaqqq9lgbq6nqot?svg=true&branch=master&passingText=Windows%20-%20OK&failingText=Windows%20-%20FAIL&pendingText=Windows%20-%20pending)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/MARTIMM/XmlActions/branch/master) [![License](http://martimm.github.io/label/License-label.svg)](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0) ## Synopsis ``` use Test; use XML::Actions; my Str $file = "a.xml"; $file.IO.spurt(Q:q:to/EOXML/); EOXML class A is XML::Actions::Work { method final ( Array $parent-path, :$id ) { is $id, 'hello', "final called: id = $id"; is $parent-path[*-1].name, 'final', 'this node is final'; is $parent-path[*-2].name, 'scxml', 'parent node is scxml'; method log ( Array $parent-path, :$expr ) { is $expr, "'hello world'", "log called: expr = $expr"; is-deeply @$parent-path.map(*.name), , " found in parent array"; } } my XML::Actions $a .= new(:$file); isa-ok $a, XML::Actions, 'type ok'; $a.process(:actions(A.new())); ``` Result would be like ``` ok 1 - type ok ok 2 - final called: id = hello ok 3 - this node is final ok 4 - parent node is scxml ok 5 - log called: expr = 'hello world' ok 6 - found in parent array ``` ## Documentation Users who wish to process XML::Elements must provide an instantiated class which inherits from XML::Actions::Work. In that class, methods named after the elements can be defined. The `$parent-path` is an array holding the XML::Elements of the parent elements with the root on the first position and the current element on the last. The attributes are found on the XML element. ``` class A is XML::Actions::Work { method someElement ( Array $parent-path, :$someAttribute ... ) {...} method someOtherElement ( Array $parent-path, :$someAttribute ... ) {...} } ``` ### Note: clash with existing methods inherited from other classes. There is an issue (#1) where an element triggered a call to a method from class **Any** and crashed. To prevent this, a method must be added explicitly overriding the method from the inherited class. In the meantime this call will be deprecated in favor of calling a method with `:start` attached to the element name as is done for processing the end tag. The above example would become; ``` class A is XML::Actions::Work { method someElement:start ( Array $parent-path, :$someAttribute ... ) {...} method someOtherElement:start ( Array $parent-path, :$someAttribute ... ) {...} } ``` There are also text-, comment-, cdata- and pi-nodes. They can be defined as ``` method PROCESS-TEXT ( Array $parent-path, Str $text ) {...} method PROCESS-COMMENT ( Array $parent-path, Str $comment ) {...} method PROCESS-CDATA ( Array $parent-path, Str $cdata ) {...} method PROCESS-PI ( Array $parent-path, Str $pi-target, Str $pi-content ) {...} ``` For uniformity these will also be renamed into `xml:text()`, `xml:comment()`, `xml:cdata()` and `xml:pi()` resp. If you want to process an element after all children are processed, you can use the same element method with `-END` attached. It has the same number arguments. ``` method someElement-END ( Array $parent-path, :$someAttribute ... ) {...} ``` And this one will also be changed into `someElement:end()`. ### Changes One can find the changes document [in ./doc/CHANGES.md][release] ## Installing Use zef to install the package: `zef install XML::Actions` ## Versions of PERL, MOARVM This project is tested against the newest perl6 version with Rakudo built on MoarVM implementing Perl v6. ## AUTHORS Current maintainer **Marcel Timmerman** (MARTIMM on github) ## License **Artistic-2.0** [release]: https://github.com/MARTIMM/XmlActions/blob/master/doc/CHANGES.md