imcc v0.0.1 imcc is the intermediate compiler for Parrot. Why? Writing a compiler is a large undertaking. I'm trying to take some of the load off of potential language designers, including the Perl6 compiler itself. We can provide a common back-end for Parrot that does: Register Allocation and Spillage Constant folding and expression evaluation Instruction selection. Coalescing, instruction scheduling, etc. This way, language designers can get right to work on Tokenizing, parsing, type checking AST/DAG production Then they can simply spit out IR to imcc which will compile directly to Parrot bytecode, potentially skipping the assembler altogether. So far, all the compiler does (besides translating the IR to pasm) is register allocation. I like Steve Muchnick's MIR language, and I'm taking a few things from it. Presently you can write code with unlimited symbolics or named locals and imcc will translate to pasm. I expect the IR compiler to focus on staying FAST, simple and maintainable, and never develop featuritis, however I want it to be adequate for all languages targetting parrot. Did I mention that it needs to be FAST? We have other options like having imcc to become an assembler in its own right, which is fine by me, but for now, I think Parrot is changing way too fast to have another assembler branch). Register Allocation The allocator uses graph-coloring and du-chains to allocate registers for lexicals and symbolic temporaries. Spilling Currently spillage is not implemented. Optimization At this level, many optimizations are simple, like register coalescing, redudant copies, and constant expression evaluation. This will wait until the compiler is fully featured and well designed and works well enough as the backend compiler for languages targetting Parrot. Why C and Bison? Until Perl6 compiles itself and is fast, a Bison parser is the easiest to maintain. An additional, important benefit, is C-based LALR parser are pretty darn fast. Currently assembling Parrot assembly on the fly is just too slow with, although new things are in the works. Please mail with bug-reports or patches. Maintainer and Author: Melvin Smith (