NAME XML::Ant::BuildFile::Project - consume Ant build files VERSION version 0.206 SYNOPSIS use XML::Ant::BuildFile::Project; my $project = XML::Ant::BuildFile::Project->new( file => 'build.xml' ); print 'Project name: ', $project->name, "\n"; print "File lists:\n"; for my $list_ref (@{$project->file_lists}) { print 'id: ', $list_ref->id, "\n"; print join "\n", @{$list_ref->files}; print "\n\n"; } DESCRIPTION This class uses XML::Rabbit to consume Ant build files using a Moose object-oriented interface. It is a work in progress and in no way a complete implementation of all Ant syntax. ATTRIBUTES file On top of XML::Rabbit's normal behavior, this class will also coerce Path::Class::File objects to the strings expected by XML::Rabbit::Role::Document. name Name of the Ant project. paths Hash of XML::Ant::BuildFile::Resource::Paths from the build file. The keys are the path "id"s. targets Hash of XML::Ant::BuildFile::Targets from the build file. The keys are the target names. METHODS filelists Returns an array of all filelists in the project. filelist Given an index number returns that "filelist" from the project. You can also use negative numbers to count from the end. Returns "undef" if the specified "filelist" does not exist. map_filelists Given a code reference, transforms every "filelist" element into a new array. filter_filelists Given a code reference, returns an array with every "filelist" element for which that code returns "true". find_filelist Given a code reference, returns the first "filelist" for which the code returns "true". num_filelists Returns a count of all "filelist"s in the project. path Given a list of one or more "id" strings, returns a list of XML::Ant::BuildFile::Resource::Paths for ""s and ""s in the project. target Given a list of target names, return the corresponding XML::Ant::BuildFile::Target objects. In scalar context return only the last target specified. all_targets Returns a list of all targets as XML::Ant::BuildFile::Target objects. target_names Returns a list of the target names from the build file. has_target Given a target name, returns true or false if the target exists. num_targets Returns a count of the number of targets in the build file. BUILD After construction, the app-wide XML::Ant::Properties singleton stores any "" name/value pairs set by the build file, as well as any resource string expansions handled by XML::Ant::BuildFile::Resource plugins. It also contains the following predefined properties as per the Ant documentation: basedir ant.file BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR Mark Gardner COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by GSI Commerce. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.