1. What is clickTk? clickTk is a graphical editor that helps Perl/Tk programmers to create Perl/Tk applications consisting of several more or less sophisticated dialogs. The main goal is to generate Perl/Tk code in form of scripts, subroutines and classes which can be embedded in the application with or without minor manual interventions. Once the dialog flow is designed and the individual dialogs have been sketched, clickTk can be used to generate the corresponding Perl/Tk source code. Moreover, it can be used on the one hand to easily create some different versions of a dialog flow and on the other hand to refine the chosen version to its ultimate state. The ability to generate additional run code to the dialog definitions itself allows the programmer to already do some unit tests during the development session, with the advantage that the exported code has already been tested, when it will run in the application environment. Therefore, clickTk considerably reduces the extremely tedious and error prone coding of complex widget definitions on the one hand assisting the input of options with preformatted dialogs and on the other hand allowing the use of templates. Further, clickTk allows to separate the code related to the presentation's functionality from the application logic. In consequence, it is easier to develop specialized widgets, a fact that simplifies the application's code and significantly increases the quality of the application's design. Important notes about clickTk release 4.013 2. Notes 2.1 Open items: - Widget TextList cannot be accessed (Windows/XP, perl 5.8.8) - handling of tearoff popup menu doesn't work fine (tearoff suppressed) 3. Installation's procedure 3.1 Installing a new version - Download the clickTk intallation's archive into a dedicated folder i.e. c:\programme\clickTk - Unpack the archive into that folder - Create a link to the main script ctk_w.pl - Now clickTk is ready to work . - Start up clickTk session and open any example project. - Get familiar with clickTk session control. 3.2 Installing an upgrade - Read the installation's notes. - Download the clickTk intallation's archive into the dedicated folder. - Unpack the archive into a new folder. - Merge your projects, works, template, widgets definitions and shells into the new folder. - Run the upgrade scripts if any has been provided and mentioned in the readme installation's notes. - Start some sessions to check whether the new version works fine. When it works fine, then make the new version get your current version, otherwise let us know about the unexpected events occurred.