HTML_Element_Extended --------------------- HTML_Element_Extended is a package of several enhanced HTML::Element classes, most of which arose during the effort to implement an HTML::Element based table class. The modules are: HTML::ElementTable HTML::ElementSuper HTML::ElementGlob HTML::ElementRaw The resulting functionality enables: tables element globs content replacement content wrapping element cloning raw HTML string adoption INSTALLATION You install HTML_Element_Extended, as you would install any perl library, by running these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DOCUMENTATION POD style documentation is included with each module. This is normally converted to a manual page and installed as part of the "make install" process. You should also be able to use the 'perldoc' utility to extract and read documentation from the module file directly. See Changes for recent changes. There should also be some examples on the web page mentioned below. SUPPORT Questions and comments should be directed to Matt Sisk AVAILABILITY The library should soon be available from CPAN. The latest version is always available at: COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1999 Matthew P. Sisk. All rights reserved. All wrongs revenged. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.