'PyxieSax' perl modules. Version 0.32. XML::Parser::PyxParser Convert ESIS of Nsgmls or Pyxie to Perl SAX events. XML::Handler::PyxWriter Convert Perl SAX events to ESIS of Nsgmls or Pyxie. These modules are part of XmlConnect project. The goal of the project is to transfer XML data between applications with overheads minimized. Modules use subset of Nsgmls output format and are compatible with Pyxie notation. Installation. perl Makefile.PL make make install Or simple copy 'pm/XML' directory to your $SITE_LIB/XML directory. Documentation. Available as POD in modules. "Hello world" test. General grepping usage of PYX notation is | grep '^-' | . "grep '^-'" for PYX can be considered as "Hello world" example for programming languages. Our test gets PYX from 'hello.sgml' file and converts grepped stream to canonical XML. Files: hello/test -- The test. hello/hello.sgml -- Input SGML file for testing. hello/hello.struct -- Structure of test SGML file. To be compared with test output. ESIS to canonical XML. We use "XML::Handler::CanonXMLWriter" module to write XML. This module belongs to "libxml-perl" module. Files: canon/canon.pl -- The program. canon/n2c -- Interface to 'canon.pl' program. Convert ESIS of Nsgmls to canonical XML. canon/p2c -- Interface to 'canon.pl' program. Convert ESIS of Pyxie to canonical XML. canon/test -- The test. canon/hello.nsgmls.esis -- ESIS stream of Nsgmls for testing. canon/hello.pyxie.esis -- ESIS stream of Pyxie for testing. canon/hello.canon.xml -- Canonical XML for "hello" ESIS streams. To be compared with test output. Convert ESIS of Nsgmls to ESIS of Pyxie and back. Files: conv/conv.pl -- The program. conv/n2p -- Interface to 'conv.pl' program. Convert ESIS of Nsgmls to ESIS of Pyxie. conv/p2n -- Interface to 'conv.pl' program. Convert ESIS of Pyxie to ESIS of Nsgmls. conv/test -- The test. conv/hello.nsgmls.esis -- ESIS stream of Nsgmls for testing. conv/hello.pyxie.esis -- ESIS stream of Pyxie for testing. See also. ++ http://beta.math.spbu.ru/~prof/xc/ ++ Nsgmls ++ http://www.pyxie.org/ ++ XML::PerlSAX ++ XML::PYX ++ XML::Parser::ESISParser ++ SGMLS Copyright. Copyright (C) 2000 Oleg A. Paraschenko (prof@beta.math.spbu.ru) PyxieSax modules are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.