NAME BorderStyle - Border styles SPECIFICATION VERSION 2 VERSION This document describes version 2.0.6 of BorderStyle (from Perl distribution BorderStyle), released on 2021-01-31. DESCRIPTION This document specifies a way to create and use border styles GLOSSARY border style class border style structure SPECIFICATION Border style class Border style class must be put under "BorderStyle::*". Application-specific border styles should be put under "BorderStyle::MODULE::NAME::*" or "BorderStyle::APP::NAME::*". Border style structure must be put in the %BORDER package variable. Border style class must also provide these methods: * new Usage: my $bs_obj = BorderStyle::NAME->new( [ %args ] ); Arguments will depend on the border style class (see "args"). * get_struct Usage: my $bs_struct = BorderStyle::NAME->get_struct; my $bs_struct = $bs_obj->get_struct; Provide a method way of getting the "border style structure". Must also work as a static method. A client can also access the %BORDER package variable directly. * get_args Usage: my $args = $bs_obj->get_args; Provide a method way of getting the arguments to the constructor. The official implementation BorderStyleBase::Constructor stores this in the 'args' key of the hash object, but the proper way to access the arguments should be via this method. * get_border_char Usage: my $str = $bs->get_border_char($y, $x, $n, \%args); Get border character at a particular $y and $x position, duplicated $n times (defaults to 1). Arguments can be passed to border character that is a coderef. Border style structure Border style structure is a DefHash containing these keys: * v Float, from DefHash, must be set to 2 (this specification version) * name From DefHash. * summary From DefHash. * utf8 Bool, must be set to true if the style uses non-ASCII UTF8 border character(s). Cannot be mixed with "box_chars". * box_chars Bool, must be set to true if the style uses box-drawing character. When using box-drawing character, the characters in "chars" property must be specified using the VT100-style escape sequence without the prefix. For example, the top-left single border character must be specified as "l". For more details on box-drawing character, including the list of escape sequneces, see . Box-drawing characters must not be mixed with other characters (ASCII or UTF8). * chars An array. Required. Format for the characters in "chars": [ # y #x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [A, B, C, D], # 0 Top border characters (if drawing header row) [E, F, G], # 1 Vertical separators for header row [H, I, J, K, a, b], # 2 Separator between header row and first data row [L, M, N], # 3 Vertical separators for data row [O, P, Q, R, e, f, g, h], # 4 Separator between data rows [S, T, U, V], # 5 Bottom border characters [Ȧ, Ḃ, Ċ, Ḋ], # 6 Top border characters (if not drawing header row) [Ṣ, Ṭ, Ụ, Ṿ], # 7 Bottom border characters (if drawing header row but there are no data rows) ] When drawing border, below is how the border characters will be used: ABBBCBBBD #0 Top border characters E F G #1 Vertical separators for header row HIIIJIIIK #2 Separator between header row and first data row L M N #3 Vertical separators for data row OPPPQPPPR #4 Separator between data rows L M N #3 STTTUTTTV #5 Bottom border characters When not drawing a header row, these characters will be used instead: ȦḂḂḂĊḂḂḂḊ #6 Top border characters (when not drawing header row) L M N #3 Vertical separators for data row OPPPQPPPR #4 Separator between data rows L M N #3 OPPPQPPPR #4 L M N #3 STTTUTTTV #5 Bottom border characters When drawing a header row and there are no data rows, these characters will be used: ABBBCBBBD #0 Top border characters E F G #1 Vertical separators for header row ṢṬṬṬỤṬṬṬṾ #7 Bottom border characters (when there is header row but no data row) In table with column and row spans (demonstrates characters "a", "b", "e", "f", "g", "h"): ABBBCBBBCBBBCBBBD E F F G HIIIaIIIJIIIbIIIK # a=no top line, b=no bottom line L M M N OPPPfPPPQPPPePPPR # e=no top line, f=no bottom line L M M N OPPPPPPPQPPPePPPR L M N L gPPPPPPPR # g=no left line L M N OPPPPPPPh N # h=on right line L M N STTTTTTTUTTTTTTTV A character can also be a coderef that will be called with "($self, $y, $x, $n, \%args)". See "Border style character". Border style character A border style character can be a single-character string, or a coderef to allow border style that is context-sensitive. If border style character is a coderef, it must return a single-character string and not another coderef. The coderef will be called with the same arguments passed to "get_border_char". HISTORY Border::Style is an older specification, superseded by this document. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2020 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.