SYNOPSIS In your dist.ini: [ShareDir] [ShareDir::Clean] ;dir=share ;clean_tarball=1 DESCRIPTION This plugin is an alternative to using Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball (please read the documentation of that module first). With this plugin, you can keep using Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir, but eliminate the problem of lingering old files. What this plugin does is search for old shared files (currently the only method used is by performing a git log --stat on your repository and comparing the files to what is currently in the working directory. A section will then be added to the generated Makefile.PL to remove the old files during installation. Some caveats/current limitations: * Your project must use git. * Only Makefile.PL is currently supported. * Windows (or other non-POSIX) build system is not yet supported. Patches welcome. Path separator assumed to be /. Besides, I don't know yet what git log uses for path separator on those systems. * Windows (or other non-POSIX) installation target system is not yet supported. Patches welcome. The commands in the generated Makefile.PL is currently Unix-style (shell quoting style, use of rm command, ...). CONFIGURATION dir => str (default: share) Name of shared directory. clean_tarball => bool (default: 1) If set to 1, will also try to clean shared-files.tar.gz produced by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball. SEE ALSO Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir::Tarball