Name IPC::SRLock - Set/reset locking semantics to single thread processes Version 0.1.$Revision: 45 $ Synopsis use IPC::SRLock; my $config = { tempdir => q(path_to_tmp_directory), type => q(fcntl) }; my $lock_obj = IPC::SRLock->new( $config ); $lock_obj->set( k => q(some_resource_identfier) ); # This critical region of code is guaranteed to be single threaded $lock_obj->reset( k => q(some_resource_identfier) ); Description Provides set/reset locking methods which will force a critical region of code to run single threaded Subroutines/Methods new Implements the singleton pattern. The type attribute determines which factory subclass is loaded. This package contains three subclasses; fcntl, memcached and sysv fcntl Uses Fcntl to lock access to a disk based file which is read/written by XML::Simple. This is the default type. Files are in tempdir which defaults to */tmp* memcached Uses Cache::Memcached to implement a distributed lock manager. The servers attribute defaults to *localhost:11211* sysv Uses System V semaphores to lock access to a shared memory file catch Expose the "catch" method in IPC::SRLock::ExceptionClass clear_lock_obj Sets the internal variable that holds the self referential object to false. This lets the test script create multiple lock objects with different factory subclasses get_table Returns a hash ref that contains the current lock table contents. The keys/values in the hash are suitable for passing to HTML::FormWidgets list Returns an array of hash refs that represent the current lock table reset Resets the lock referenced by the k attribute. set Sets the specified lock. Attributes are: k Unique key to identify the lock. Mandatory no default p Explicitly set the process id associated with the lock. Defaults to the current process id t Set the time to live for this lock. Defaults to five minutes. Setting it to zero makes the lock last indefinitely table_view $lock_obj->table_view( $stash, $model ); The $model object's methods store the result of calling "$lock_obj->get_table" on the $stash hash ref throw Expose the "throw" method in "IPC::SRLock::ExceptionClass" timeout_error Return the text of the the timeout message _arg_list my $args = $me->_arg_list( @rest ); Returns a hash ref containing the passed parameter list. Enables methods to be called with either a list or a hash ref as it's input parameters _ensure_class_loaded $me->_ensure_class_loaded( $some_class ); Require the requested class, throw an error if it doesn't load _hash_merge my $hash = $me->_hash_merge( { key1 => val1 }, { key2 => val2 } ); Simplistic merging of two hashes _init Called by the constructor. Optionally overridden in the factory subclass. This allows subclass specific initialisation _list Should be overridden in the factory subclass _reset Should be overridden in the factory subclass _set Should be overridden in the factory subclass Diagnostics Setting "$app->debug" to true will cause the "set" methods to log the lock record at the debug level, calls "$app->log->debug" Configuration and Environment None Dependencies Cache::Memcached Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Inspector Class::Null Date::Format IO::AtomicFile IO::File IPC::SRLock::ExceptionClass IPC::SysV Readonly Time::Elapsed Time::HiRes XML::Simple Incompatibilities The sysv subclass will not work on cygwin Bugs and Limitations Testing of the memcached subclass is skipped on all platforms as it requires "memcached" to be listening on the localhost's default memcached port *localhost:11211* Automated testing has been disabled due to inconsistancies in the CPAN testing platforms. See spurious results on previous releases There are no known bugs in this module. Please report problems to the address below. Patches are welcome Author Peter Flanigan, "" License and Copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Peter Flanigan. All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE