# Archive::SimpleZip Perl6 module to write Zip archives. ## Synopsis ``` use Archive::SimpleZip; # Create a zip file in filesystem my $obj = SimpleZip.new("mine.zip"); # Create a zip file in memory my $blob = Blob.new(); my $obj2 = SimpleZip.new($blob); # Add a file to the zip archive $obj.add("somefile.txt".IO); # Add a Blob/String $obj.add("payload data here", :name); $obj.close(); ``` ## Description Simple write-only interface to allow creation of Zip files. Please note - this is module is a prototype. The interface will change. ## Support Suggestions/patches are welcomed via github at https://github.com/pmqs/Archive-SimpleZip ## Licence Please see the LICENCE file in the distribution (C) Paul Marquess 2016