## Perl6 Digest::MD5 module An interface-compatible port of [Perl 5 Digest::MD5](https://metacpan.org/pod/Digest::MD5) to Perl 6. Cosimo Streppone (cosimo@cpan.org) ### Synopsis ```perl6 use Digest::MD5; say Digest::MD5.new.md5_hex("My awesome data to hash"); ``` ### Methods #### `new` ```perl6 my $d = Digest::MD5.new; ``` Returns a new `Digest::MD5` object. #### `md5_hex` ```perl6 my $md5_hash = $d.md5_hex('data'); my @data = "one", "two", "and more"; my $md5_hash = $d.md5_hex( @data ); # returns string '009ef1defa9fa27032f9f52cdeda8698' ``` Takes either a string or an array as the argument and returns MD5 hash as a hex string. #### `md5_buf` ```perl6 my $md5_buf = $d.md5_buf('data'); # returns Buf:0x<8d 77 7f 38 5d 3d fe c8 81 5d 20 f7 49 60 26 dc> ``` Takes same arguments as `md5_hex`, except returns a [Buf](http://docs.perl6.org/type/Buf) instead of a string. ### Subroutines ### `Digest::MD5::md5` ```perl6 my $data = $str.encode('ascii'); my $md5_buf = Digest::MD5::md5($data); # returns Buf:0x<8d 77 7f 38 5d 3d fe c8 81 5d 20 f7 49 60 26 dc> ``` Takes a buffer or array as an argument. Returns a [Buf](http://docs.perl6.org/type/Buf). ### Repository http://github.com/cosimo/perl6-digest-md5 ### Current status (2012-01-31) Should work with latest (2012.01) release of Rakudo, the "nom" branch-based version.