# NAME File::Find - Get a lazy list of a directory tree ## SYNOPSIS use File::Find; # recursively (and eagerly) find all files from the 'foo' directory my @list = find(dir => 'foo'); say @list[0..3]; # the same as above, but lazily return the results my $list = find(dir => 'foo'); say $list[0..3]; # eagerly find all Perl-related files from the current directory my @perl-files = find(dir => '.', name => /.p [l||m] $/); # lazily find all directories within the 'rakudo' directory my $rakudo-dirs = find(dir => 'rakudo', type => 'dir'); # lazily find all symlinks a normal user can access under `/etc` my $etc-symlinks = find(dir => '/etc/', type => 'symlink', keep-going => True); ## DESCRIPTION `File::Find` allows you to get the contents of the given directory, recursively, depth first. The only exported function, `find()`, generates a lazy list of files in given directory. Every element of the list is an `IO::Path` object, described below. `find()` takes one (or more) named arguments. The `dir` argument is mandatory, and sets the directory `find()` will traverse. There are also a few optional arguments. If more than one is passed, all of them must match for a file to be returned. **name** Specify a name of the file `File::Find` is ought to look for. If you pass a string here, `find()` will return only the files with the given name. When passing a regex, only the files with path matching the pattern will be returned. Any other type of argument passed here will just be smartmatched against the path (which is exactly what happens to regexes passed, by the way). **exclude** Specify a regex (or any other smartmatchable type) to exclude files / directories from the search. **type** Given a type, `find()` will only return files being the given type. The available types are `file`, `dir` or `symlink. **keep-going** Parameter `keep-going` tells `find()` to not stop finding files on errors such as 'Access is denied', but rather ignore the errors and keep going. **Perl 5's File::Find** Please note, that this module is not trying to be the verbatim port of Perl 5's File::Find module. Its interface is closer to Perl 5's File::Find::Rule, and its features are planned to be similar one day. ## CAVEATS List assignment is eager in Perl 6, so if you assign `find()` result to an array, the elements will be copied and the laziness will be spoiled. For a proper lazy list, assign a result to a scalar value (see SYNOPSIS).