# Image::PNG::Portable This is an almost-pure Perl 6 PNG module. ## Status This module is currently useful for outputting opaque 24-bit truecolor images. Reading, precompression filters, alpha, palettes, grayscale, non-8-bit channels, and ancillary features like gamma correction, color profiles, and textual metadata are all NYI. Range checks (UInt, UInt8, and PInt, mentioned below) are disabled pending a Rakudo bugfix. Violate them at your peril. ## Synopsis use Image::PNG::Portable; my $o = Image::PNG::Portable.new: :width(16), :height(16); $o.set: 8,8, 255,255,255; $o.write: 'image.png'; ## Usage The following types are used internally and in this documentation. They are here for brevity, not exported in the public API. subset UInt of Int where * >= 0; # unsigned subset UInt8 of Int where 0 <= * <= 255; # unsigned 8-bit subset PInt of Int where * > 0; # positive ### .new(PInt :$width!, PInt :$height!) Creates a new Image::PNG::Portable object, initialized to black. ### .set(UInt $x, UInt $y, UInt8 $red, UInt8 $green, UInt8 $blue) Sets the color of a pixel in the image. ### .get(UInt $x, UInt $y) Gets the color of a pixel in the image as a 3-element array of channel values. ### .write($file) Writes the contents of the image to the specified file. ## BUGS None known. Please report bugs at https://github.com/raydiak/Image-PNG-Portable/issues or to raydiak@cyberuniverses.com .