# NCurses [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/perl6-ncurses.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/perl6-ncurses) NCurses provides a Perl 6 interface to libncurses. ## Example ```Perl6 # Initialize curses window my $win = initscr; die "Failed to initialize ncurses\n" unless $win.defined; # Print Hello World printw( "Hello World" ); mvaddstr( 5, 10, "Press any key to exit..." ); # Refresh (this is needed) nc_refresh; # Wait for a keypress while getch() < 0 { }; # End curses mode endwin; ``` For more examples, please see the [examples](examples) folder. ## Installation * Since NCurses uses libncurses, libncurses.so must be found in /usr/lib. To install libncurses on Debian for example, please use the following command: ``` $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5 ``` * Using panda (a module management tool bundled with Rakudo Star): ``` $ panda update && panda install NCurses ``` ## Environment variables ```PERL6_NCURSES_LIB``` can now be used to specify the location of the ncurses library in the system. ## Testing To run tests: ``` $ prove -e "perl6 -Ilib" ``` ## Author Ahmad M. Zawawi, azawawi on #perl6, https://github.com/azawawi/ ## License Artistic License 2.0