# PSpec -- RSpec for Perl 6 ## Introduction PSpec is an implementation of Ruby's RSpec library, in Perl 6. It's currently very minimal, and does not implement much of RSpec. ## Status * Supports basic "describe" commands. * Supports a very simplistic "should" statement. * Has eq(), lt() and gt() subs that perform simplistic tests. ## TODO Lots. This is barely functional, but is pretty much back to the level of the last working version prior to the rewrite. ## Credits Well, I must send cudos to the original authors of RSpec and Cucumber, without them, this wouldn't exist. Also, a big cheers to Carl Masak, who is always friendly and helpful! And a call-out to Larry Wall whose help on the #perl6 channel has been greatly appreciated! I guess I should also thank him for creating Perl :-) Since writing the original version of this Credits section, I've received a lot of help and feedback from many people on the #perl6 channel. Thanks to the whole Perl 6 community for being awesome! ## Author [Timothy Totten](https://github.com/supernovus/) ## License [Artistic License 2.0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0)