# Parse::Selenese [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/perl6-parse-selenese.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/azawawi/perl6-parse-selenese) This is a simple utility to parse Selenese test cases and suites that are usually generated from the Selenium IDE. ## Example ```Perl6 use Parse::Selenese; my $selenese = qq{ Login
open /login
type name=username admin
type name=password 123
clickAndWait //button[@type='submit']
verifyTitle regex:Home
}; my $parser = Parse::Selenese.new; my $result = $parser.parse($selenese); if $result { say "Matches with the following results: " ~ $result.ast.perl; } else { say "Fails"; } ``` ## Installation To install it using Panda (a module management tool bundled with Rakudo Star): ``` $ panda update $ panda install Parse::Selenese ``` ## Testing To run tests: ``` $ prove -e "perl6 -Ilib" ``` ## Author Ahmad M. Zawawi, azawawi on #perl6, https://github.com/azawawi/ ## License Artistic License 2.0