Perl6 implementation of Mustache templates, []( [![Build Status](]( Synopsis ======== use Template::Mustache; # Call .render as a class method Template::Mustache.render('Hello, {{planet}}!', { planet => 'world' }).say; # Or instantiate an instance my $stache = :from<./views>; # Subroutines are called say $stache.render('The time is {{time}}', { time => {$now).local } }); my @people = { :name('James T. Kirk'), :title }, { :name('Wesley'), :title('Dread Pirate'), :emcee }, { :name('Dana Scully'), :title('Special Agent') }, ; # See this template in ./t/views/roster.mustache $stache.render('roster', { :@people }).say; my %context = event => 'Masters of the Universe Convention', :@people, ; my %partials = welcome => qq:b{Welcome to the {{event}}! We’re pleased to have you here.\n\n}, ; # See this result in ./t/50-readme.t Template::Mustache.render(q:to/EOF/, {{> welcome}} {{> roster}} Dinner at 7PM in the Grand Ballroom. Bring a chair! EOF %context, :from([%partials, './views']) ).say; More Examples and Tests ======================= The Mustache spec provides a wealth of examples to demonstrate exactly how the format behaves. []( To run tests, # NB Ensure you are using the default 'perl6' branch, not 'master' git clone ../mustache-spec PERL6LIB=./lib prove -e perl6 -v All spec tests pass: []( The perl6 branch just updates the .json files to match the .yml sources (needed until someone writes a Perl 6 YAML parser, hint, hint), and adds perl6 lambda code strings for that portion of the specs. Other Mustache Implementations ============================== There are many, many Mustache implementations in various languages. Some of note are: * The original Ruby version []( * Twitter's hogan.js []( * []( * GRMustache (Objective C) []( * mustache.php []( TODO ==== * object support (not just hashes and arrays) * parsed template caching * global helpers (context items that float at the top of the stack) * template inheritance: [](, etc. * database loader * pragmas (FILTERS?) License ======= [Artistic License 2.0](