# WebService::DyDNS [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cbk/WebService-GoogleDyDNS.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cbk/WebService-GoogleDyDNS) ## SYNOPSIS Simple web service used to update an IP address on domains.google.com if the current one has changed. Obtains current IP address using the WebService::HazIP module, then compares the results with the IP address that was set the last time the service was ran. It there was a change, the updateIP() method is then called to update the IP address using the HTTP::UserAgent module. ## TODO * Maybe POST request would be better ## Methods * checkPreviousIP() * updateIP() ## Returns * One of the response codes from domains.google.com * "No change. No action taken." ## Example usage: ``` use v6; use WebService::GoogleDyDNS; multi sub MAIN( :$domain, :$login, :$password ) { my $updater = WebService::GoogleDyDNS.new(domainName => $domain, login => $login , password => $password ); $updater.checkPreviousIP(); if $updater.outdated { say $updater.updateIP(); } else { say "No change. No action taken."; } } ```