==== NAME ==== Posy::Plugin::FlavourMenu - Posy plugin to make a menu of flavours ==== VERSION ==== This describes version ``0.40'' of Posy::Plugin::FlavourMenu. ==== DESCRIPTION ==== This plugin creates a menu to let users choose a particular "flavour" of page layout. There is one variable filled in by this plugin that can be used within your flavour files. The $flow_flavour_menu variable contains the list of links of the different flavours available on your site. == Activation == This plugin needs to be added to both the plugins list and the actions list. It doesn't really matter where it is in the plugins list, just so long as you also have the Posy::Plugin::YamlConfig plugin as well. In the actions list, it needs to go somewhere after ``head_template'' and before ``head_render'', since the config needs to have been read, and this needs to set values before the head is rendered. == Configuration == This expects configuration settings in the $self->{config} hash, which, in the default Posy setup, can be defined in the main "config" file in the data directory. This requires the Posy::Plugin::YamlConfig plugin (or equivalent), because the configuration variables for this plugin are not simple string values; it expects the config values to be in a hash at $self->{config}->{flavour_menu} ``flavour_menu'' A hash containing the settings. ``flavours'' The list of flavours you want to offer in your menu, in the order that you want them to be shown. Note that for every entry in this list, there must be a corresponding entry in the names hash. ``names'' The labels to give the flavours in the menu list. Example config file: --- flavour_menu: flavours: - html - top - side - rss names: html: Default top: Top side: Sidebar rss: 'Rss Feed' ==== REQUIRES ==== Posy Posy::Core Posy::Plugin::YamlConfig Test::More ==== AUTHOR ==== Kathryn Andersen (RUBYKAT) perlkat AT katspace dot com http://www.katspace.com ==== COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE ==== Copyright (c) 2004-2005 by Kathryn Andersen Based in part on the 'css' blosxom plugin by Eric Davis foobargeek com> http://www.foobargeek.com And in part on the 'flavourmenu' blosxom plugin by Tim Lambert (lambert cse unsw edu au) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.