The B::C, B::CC, B::Bytecode Perl Compiler Kit Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, Malcolm Beattie Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Reini Urban Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 cPanel Inc Homepage: Releases: Code: and mirrored until 2016 at OVERVIEW Malcom Beattie's perl compiler ("perlcc") updated to 5.10 - 5.21.3, with most bugs fixed (also for 5.6. and 5.8) and new features added. It compiles to C or platform-compatible Bytecode. Releases are at Development is in the master branch at, the stable branch is called 'release', the newest perl releases usually don't work immediately. I typically need 6 months to catch up. Known issues: See (Soon at * run-time attributes (e.g. use open attributes, Attribute::Handlers, ...), but ok at compile-time. * compile-time perlio layers are not restored * some compile-time side-effects can not be reproduced when running a compiled binary, such as BEGIN { chdir $dir }, i.e. most system and IO calls. use INIT {} instead. * Certain XS module using compile-time pointers need special workarounds: * DBI patched by the compiler (#359) * Encode > 2.58 (#71, #305, RT 94221), patched by the compiler * Net::DNS > 0.67 (#305, RT 94069) * IO::Socket::SSL > 1.995 (#317, RT 95452) * DBD::mysql > 4.027 (RT 97625) * Todo: FCGI, Coro, Moose with meta->make_immutable Mailinglist: INSTALL cpan B::C On strawberry I needed perl Makefile.PL FIXIN="perl -S pl2bat.bat" On Windows and AIX for 5.12 and 5.14 you need to patch and rebuild CORE perl: ramblings/Export-store_cop_label-for-the-perl-compiler.patch For 5.14 and 5.15 I recommend also the following patches: ramblings/revert-B-load-BEGIN.patch (The 5.14.1 version) ramblings/Carp-wo-B.patch We generally discourage the use of 5.16 and 5.18 for unhandled and unacknowledged security problems with the implementation of "unicode" symbols and packagenames, where they really implemented binary names for all symbols without any checks and further support of such binary names. See the warning at perl Makefile.PL. 5.20 improved support for binary names for most syscalls, dumpers and APIs, but TR39 and strict names are still not handled, the problems are not understood and reactions are generally hostile. Summarized: Perl handling of new unicode identifiers - package and symbol names since 5.16 - without proper TR39 handling is considered a security risc and is not fully supported. See Check your code for syntax spoofs, confusables, esp. strip \\0 from package names. Enable use warnings 'syscalls'. There is no use strict 'names' yet. You cannot disable binary symbolname support with a configure option. USAGE The Bytecode, C and CC backends are now all functional enough to compile almost the whole of the main perl test suite and 99-100% of the top100 modules. In the case of the CC backend, any failures are all due to differences and/or known bugs documented below. See the file TESTS. (1) To compile perl program with the C backend, do perl -MO=C,-ofoo.c Then use the cc_harness perl program to compile the resulting C source: perl cc_harness -O2 -o foo foo.c If you are using a non-ANSI pre-Standard C compiler that can't handle pre-declaring static arrays, then add -DBROKEN_STATIC_REDECL to the options you use: perl cc_harness -O2 -o foo -DBROKEN_STATIC_REDECL foo.c If you are using a non-ANSI pre-Standard C compiler that can't handle static initialisation of structures with union members then add -DBROKEN_UNION_INIT to the options you use. If you want command line arguments passed to your executable to be interpreted by perl (e.g. -Dx) then compile foo.c with -DALLOW_PERL_OPTIONS. Otherwise, all command line arguments passed to foo will appear directly in @ARGV. The resulting executable foo is the compiled version of See the file NOTES for extra options you can pass to -MO=C. There are some constraints on the contents on if you want to be able to compile it successfully. Some problems can be fixed fairly easily by altering; some problems with the compiler are known to be straightforward to solve and I'll do so soon. The file Todo lists a number of known problems. See the XSUB section lower down for information about compiling programs which use XSUBs. (2) To compile with the CC backend (which generates actual optimised C code for the execution path of your perl program), use perl -MO=CC,-ofoo.c and proceed just as with the C backend. You should almost certainly use an option such as -O2 with the subsequent cc_harness invocation so that your C compiler uses optimisation. The C code generated by the Perl compiler's CC backend looks ugly to humans but is easily optimised by C compilers. To make the most of this optimizing compiler backend, you need to tell the compiler when you're using int or double variables so that it can optimise appropriately. The old deprecated way do that was by naming lexical variables ending in "_i" for ints, "_d" for doubles, "_ir" for int "register" variables or "_dr" for double "register" variables. Here "register" is a promise that you won't pass a reference to the variable into a sub which then modifies the variable. The new way is to declare those lexicals with "my int" and "my double". The compiler ought to catch attempts to use "\$i" just as C compilers catch attempts to do "&i" for a register int i, but it doesn't at the moment. Bugs in the CC backend may make your program fail in mysterious ways and give wrong answers rather than just crash in boring ways. CC is still on the experimental level. Please use your test suite. If your program uses classes which define methods (or other subs which are not exported and not apparently used until runtime) then you'll need to use -u compile-time options (see the NOTES file) to force the subs to be compiled. Future releases will probably default the other way, do more auto-detection and provide more fine-grained control. Since compiled executables need linking with libperl, you may want to turn libperl.a into a shared library if your platform supports it, -Duseshrplib. You'll probably also want to link your main perl executable against; it's nice having an 11K perl executable. (3) To compile into bytecode do perl -MO=Bytecode,-ofoo.plc To run the resulting bytecode file foo.plc, you use the ByteLoader module which should have been built along with the extensions. perl -MByteLoader foo.plc Previous Perl releases had ByteLoader in CORE, so you can omit -MByteLoader there. You can also do -H to automatically use ByteLoader perl -MO=Bytecode,-H,-ofoo.plc perl foo.plc Any extra arguments are passed in as @ARGV; they are not interpreted as perl options. See the NOTES file for details of these and other options (including optimisation options and ways of getting at the intermediate "assembler" code that the Bytecode backend uses). (3) There are little Bourne shell scripts and perl programs to aid with some common operations: perlcc, assemble, disassemble, cc_harness XSUBS The C and CC backends can successfully compile some perl programs which make use of XSUB extensions. [I'll add more detail to this section in a later release.] As a prerequisite, such extensions must not need to do anything in their BOOT: section which needs to be done at runtime rather than compile time. Normally, the only code in the boot_Foo() function is a list of newXS() calls which xsubpp puts there and the compiler handles saving those XS subs itself. For each XSUB used, the C and CC compiler will generate an initialiser in their C output which refers to the name of the relevant C function (XS_Foo_somesub). What is not yet automated is the necessary commands and cc command-line options (e.g. via "perl cc_harness") which link against the extension libraries. For now, you need the XSUB extension to have installed files in the right format for using as C libraries (e.g. Foo.a or As the files (or your platform's version) aren't suitable for linking against, you will have to reget the extension source and rebuild it as a static extension to force the generation of a suitable Foo.a file. Then you need to make a symlink (or copy or rename) of that file into a libFoo.a suitable for cc linking. Then add the appropriate -L and -l options to your "perl cc_harness" command line to find and link against those libraries. You may also need to fix up some platform-dependent environment variable to ensure that linked-against .so files are found at runtime too. Read about perlcc --staticxs DIFFERENCES The result of running a CC compiled Perl program can sometimes be different from running the same program with standard perl. Think of the compiler as having a slightly different implementation of the language Perl. Unfortunately, since Perl has had a single implementation until now, there are no formal standards or documents defining what behaviour is guaranteed of Perl the language and what just "happens to work". Some of the differences below are almost impossible to change because of the way the compiler works. Others can be changed to produce "standard" perl behaviour if it's deemed proper and the resulting performance hit is accepted. I'll use "standard perl" to mean the result of running a Perl program using the perl executable from the perl distribution. I'll use "compiled Perl program" to mean running an executable produced by this compiler kit ("the compiler") with the CC backend. Loops Standard perl calculates the target of "next", "last", and "redo" at run-time. The compiler calculates the targets at compile-time. For example, the program sub skip_on_odd { next NUMBER if $_[0] % 2 } NUMBER: for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { skip_on_odd($i); print $i; } produces the output 024 with standard perl but gives a compile-time error with the compiler. See test 21. Context of ".." The context (scalar or array) of the ".." operator determines whether it behaves as a range or a flip/flop. Standard perl delays until runtime the decision of which context it is in but the compiler needs to know the context at compile-time. For example, @a = (4,6,1,0,0,1); sub range { (shift @a)..(shift @a) } print range(); while (@a) { print scalar(range()) } generates the output 456123E0 with standard Perl but gives a compile-time error with compiled Perl. See test 30. Arithmetic Optimized compiled Perl programs use native C arithmetic much more frequently than standard perl. So operations on large numbers or on boundary cases may produce different behaviour. Deprecated features Features of standard perl such as $[ which have been deprecated in standard perl since version 5 was released have not been implemented in the compiler. STATUS C is stable, CC is unstable. Bytecode stable until 5.16 The Bytecode compiler is disabled for 5.6.2, use the default instead. See STATUS for details. BUGS Here are some things which may cause the compiler problems. The following render the compiler useless (without serious hacking): * The following operators are not yet implemented for CC goto continue/next/last to a outer LABEL * You can't use "last" to exit from a non-loop block. * use Attribute::Handlers, or run-time usage of attributes. Usage of Attribute::Handlers is discouraged generally for security reasons, as it evals all attributes. (#169) * Accessing @- values from compiled regular expressions are currently broken (#281) The following may give significant problems: * BEGIN blocks containing complex initialisation code, esp. sideeffects. All the BEGIN code is evaluated once at compile-time, and NOT executed at run-time. * Code which is only ever referred to at runtime (e.g. via eval "..." or via method calls): see the -u option for the C and CC backends. * compile-time perlio layers. Use them at run-time instead. i.e. use open qw(:std :utf8) does not work yet on STDIN. * run-time loading of DynaLoader packages which use AutoLoad (i.e. BSD::Resource). Compile them in, e.g. with use package. (#308) * format STDOUT or STDERR (#285) The following may cause problems (not thoroughly tested): * For the C and CC backends: compile-time strings which are longer than your C compiler can cope with in a single line or definition. Use perlcc to workaround MSVC problems. * Reliance on intimate details of global destruction. Implemented only with 1.46 There is a terser but more complete list in the Todo file. LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this kit. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Artistic License with this kit, in the file named "Artistic". If not, you can get one from the Perl distribution. You should also have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, in the file named "Copying". If not, you can get one from the Perl distribution or else write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Reini Urban 2015-03-17 Malcolm Beattie 2 September 1996