Serialise::Map ======== Serialise::Map - a composable interface for serialising objects SYNOPSIS ======== use Serialise::Map; use Test; class Foo does Serialise::Map { has $.value; to-map( --> Map) { %( :$!value ) } from-map(Map $map --> Foo) {|$map) } } my $obj = :value('Bar') ); is-deeply $, $obj.from-map($, ""; DESCRIPTION =========== Serialise::Map is a simple interface that specifies a simple contract. I can give you a map, which represents my current state and consume a map to recreate my current state. AUTHOR ====== Sam Gillespie COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2017 Sam Gillespie This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.