NAME App::DPath - Cmdline tool around Data::DPath SYNOPSIS This module provides a cmdline tool around Data::DPath. Query a yaml input file to STDOUT as yaml output: $ dpath '//some/dpath' data.yaml Use it as filter: $ dpath '//some/dpath' < data.yaml > result.yaml $ cat data.yaml | dpath '//some/dpath' > result.yaml $ cat data.yaml | dpath '//path1' | dpath '//path2' | dpath '//path3' Specify other input and output formats: Output is YAML(default), JSON or Data::Dumper: $ dpath -o yaml '//some/dpath' data.yaml $ dpath -o json '//some/dpath' data.yaml $ dpath -o dumper '//some/dpath' data.yaml Input is JSON: $ dpath -i json '//some/dpath' data.json Input is INI: $ dpath -i ini '//some/dpath' data.ini Input is TAP: $ dpath -i tap '//some/dpath' data.tap $ perl t/some_test.t | dpath -i tap '//tests_planned' Input is JSON, Output is Data::Dumper: $ dpath -i json -o dumper '//some/dpath' data.json ABOUT A cmdline tool around Data::DPath. You can specify a DPath to query input files or STDIN. Several input and output types are allowed. Default is "YAML" as input and output. The following input types are allowed, with their according modules used to convert the input into a data structure: yaml - YAML::Syck json - JSON ini - Config::INI::Reader dumper - Data::Dumper (including the leading $VAR1 variable assignment) tap - TAP::DOM The following output types are allowed: yaml - YAML::Syck json - JSON ini - Config::INI::Writer dumper - Data::Dumper (including the leading $VAR1 variable assignment) For more information about the DPath syntax, see Data::DPath. AUTHOR Steffen Schwigon, "<>" REPOSITORY The public repository is hosted on github: git clone git:// COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Steffen Schwigon, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.