[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Scimon/Timer-Breakable.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Scimon/Timer-Breakable) NAME ==== Timer::Breakable - Timed block calls that can be broken externally. SYNOPSIS ======== use Timer::Breakable; my $timer = Timer::Breakable.new().start( 10, { say "Times up" } ); ... Stuff occurs ... $timer.break if $variable-from-stuff; say $timer.result if $timer.status ~~ Kept; DESCRIPTION =========== Timer::Breakable is wrapper aroud the standard Promise.in() functionality that lets you stop the timer without running it's block. PUBLIC ATTRIBUTES ----------------- ### promise A vowed promise that can be handed to await, anyof or allof. Note that the promises status and results can be accessed from the Timer::Breakable object directly. PUBLIC METHODS -------------- ### start( $time where * > 0, &block ) Start the timer. Expects the time to run and the block to run on completion. ### stop() Stops the timer. Note that the timer itself will still run to completion but the given block will not be run. ### status() As per Promise.status() ### result() As per Promise.result() NOTES ===== This is a first draft of this functionality. The API (especially object creation) is subject to change. AUTHOR ====== Simon Proctor COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2017 Simon Proctor This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.