Bundle::BioPerl::XMLSimple - A bundle for the correct installation of XML::Simple for Bioperl Version 1.00 - 2007-01-22 This is not a module that people generally need to download and install locally. This Bundle is meant to live on CPAN so that people can use CPAN.pm magic to automagically download and install modules. The syntax for doing this would be something like: $ perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::BioPerl::XMLSimple' However if you really want to... To install this Bundle file locally: perl Makefile.PL make install Then, for a full list of the modules which this bundle installs, use: perldoc Bundle::BioPerl::XMLSimple Finally, to install the modules which the bundle lists: perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::BioPerl::XMLSimple'