[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/Text-Utils-Raku.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tbrowder/Text-Utils-Raku) # Text::Utils This model provides some miscellaneous text processing routines not provided by core Raku. (Note it replaces the now-deprecated `Text::More` module.) ## Synopsis ```Raku use Text::More :ALL; ``` Note that individual subroutines may also be exported: ```Raku use Text::More :strip-comment; ``` ## Installation ``` Raku zef install Text::Utils ``` ## Documentation ``` Raku zef install p6doc p6doc Text::Utils ``` ## See also - `Text::Abbrev` - `Text::BorderedBlock` - `Text::Diff::Sift4` - `Text::Emotion` - `Text::Levenshtein::Damerau` - `Text::MiscUtils` - `Text::More (deprecated)` - `Text::Table::List` - `Text::Table::Simple` - `Text::Tabs` - `Text::Wrap` ## Acknowledgements The `commify` subroutine is based on the subroutine of the same name found in the *Perl Cookbook*. ## LICENSE Artistic 2.0. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/tbrowder/Text-Utils-Raku/blob/master/LICENSE). ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2019 Thomas M. Browder, Jr. <>