See pod for documentation, in lib/Mojolicious/Plugin/ # Installation cpan Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth # Source git clone git:// # Usage ## Callback use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin 'basic_auth'; get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; my $callback = sub { return 1 if $_[0] eq 'username' and $_[1] eq 'password'; }; $self->render_text('denied') if ! $self->basic_auth( realm => $callback ); $self->render_text('ok!'); }; app->start; ## Alternate usage return unless $self->basic_auth( realm => user => 'pass' ); # User is optional: # $self->basic_auth( realm => 'pass' ); (See Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuth POD for more advanced usage) # Credits * Sebastian Riedel for Mojolicious * Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi for spreading the love over IRC * Both of the above for making #mojo a much less abrasive place than #catalyst