NAME SQL::Schema - Convert a data dictionary into SQL statements SYNOPSIS use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect(...); use SQL::Schema; my $schema = SQL::Schema->new($dbh); my $sql = $schema->string; print $sql; print "$schema"; WARNING This is alpha software. It currently works with Oracle databases only. The name of the module might be changed in future releases as well as its interface. If somebody is modifying the datase schema during the life time of an `SQL::Schema' object, the object will probably fail and / or produce wrong information. DESCRIPTION `SQL::Schema' is a class for objects representing a database schema. The methods of an instanciated object do allow to access the information within a database's data dictionary and to represent them as SQL create statements and the like using the proper SQL dialect. Constructor $schema = SQL::Schema->new($dbh); The new method instanciates a schema object. The only argument required is a database handle, which has to offer the same API as described within the DBI(3) manpage. Methods $sql = $schema->string; Returns an SQL string containing several statements at once. This string contains all the SQL statements to create the database schema. This method is overloaded with the string operator. So the following two lines are equivalent: $sql = $schema->string; $sql = "$schema"; AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT SQL::Schema is Copyright (C) 2000, Torsten Hentschel Windmuehlenweg 47 44141 Dortmund Germany Email: All rights reserved. You may distribute this package under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. SEE ALSO the export_schema(1) manpage, the DBI(3) manpage, the SQL::Schema::Procedure(3) manpage, the SQL::Schema::Sequence(3) manpage, the SQL::Schema::Table(3) manpage, the SQL::Schema::Trigger(3) manpage, the SQL::Schema::View(3) manpage