File/ManualFlock/FlockOverride version 0.01 =========================================== INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: File::Basename; File::ManualFlock; File::ManualFlock::Constants; Cwd qw( getcwd abs_path ); =item =head1 NAME File::ManualFlock::FlockOverride - overrides flock, if implemented on system, or provides manual file locking for systems without standard flock function (Win95/98/??); uses File::ManualFlock to lock files; overrides flock, open, and close functions in the calling package =head1 SYNOPSIS use File::ManualFlock::FlockOverride qw( :flock_override ); open( $fh, ">$filepath" ); my $lock = (LOCK_SH|LOCK_NB); my $fl_result = flock( $fh, $lock ); close( $fh ); See File::ManualFlock docs or flock() docs for more details regarding the possible values for $lock. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module allows the File::ManualLock module to be used as a substitute for flock. Mflock, like flock, is an advisory locking mechanism. Mflock can be used as a substitute for flock, but it will not detect files locked with flock. Likewise, flock will not detect files locked with mflock. Thus, while File::ManualFlock::FlockOverride offers a 'flock' function that when used will override the standard flock and provide the same interface, the two locking methods cannot be used interchangeably. You must choose one or the other and go with it. =head1 NOTES Even though the flock function provided by this module is simply a wrapper around mflock method provided by the File::ManualLock module, its default behavior is different in order to match up with the standard flock function's behavior (on systems where it is implemented.) Thus, the flock function provided here will not clobber expired locks and is blocking by default. This behavior is given by the line in the function File::ManualLock::FlockOverride::flock that calls the File::ManualLock::mflock method as follows: $lh_keep_alive{$fh} = $mf->mflock( $filepath, $lock, MFL_INFINITE, MFL_INFINITE ); You can modify the $max_wait and $expire params in the code in order to achieve another desired default behavior. See the File::ManualFlock docs for additional details on the mflock method that it provides. =head1 LICENSE Same as Perl. =head1 CREDIT Much of the techniques and code in this module that allows these functions to override the core functions is borrowed from William Herrera's File::FlockDir module. However, the underlying flock code was written from scratch. =head1 AUTHOR Bill Catlan, Ewcatlan@cpan.orgE =cut