Net::Gopher, version 1.02 (STABLE). =============================================================================== INTRODUCTION Net::Gopher is the Perl Gopher/Gopher+ API. This library will enable you to communicate with Gopher and Gopher+ servers using Perl. To get started using Net::Gopher, use the following commands after installation: $ perldoc Net::Gopher $ perldoc Net::Gopher::Request $ perldoc Net::Gopher::Response $ perldoc Net::Gopher::Response::MenuItem $ perldoc Net::Gopher::Response::InformationBlock $ perldoc Net::Gopher::Constants INSTALLATION Install Net::Gopher as you would most other modules: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install You can also use Module::Build instead of GNU Make: $ perl Build.PL $ perl Build $ perl Build test $ perl Build install PREREQUISITES Net::Gopher requires these modules: IO::String (at least version 1.0); IO::Socket (not really sure on this one... 1.26 should be OK); IO::Socket::INET (again, not really sure. 1.25 and up); URI (at least version 1.27); XML::Writer (at least version 0.4); TESTING The new test suite that comes with Net::Gopher as of 0.92 has its own test server. This server runs on ports 70 and 7070, so make sure you have nothing listening on them when you "make test". Also, live.t contains live tests that will be done using real-world Gopher servers if you're connected to the Internet. If these sites are down or malfunctioning, this tests will inexplicably fail. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2003 by William G. Davis. This code is free software released under the GNU General Public License, the full terms of which can be found in the "COPYING" file in this directory.