Face-Client ******************* Caution : Work in progress !!! ****************** The API isn't fully covered, the module is barely usable yet. API change : All params now passed through hashref (for consistency) faces_xxxt() methods tags_xxx() methods account_xxx() methods now require a hashref as parameter ********************************************************************* This module aims to provide a high-level interface to the Face.com face recognition REST API. Face recognition scenario : # First submit pictures @tags = $client->faces_detect( { urls => "http://img.clubic.com/03520176-photo-kevin-polizzi-fondateur-jaguar-network.jpg,http://media.linkedin.com/mpr/pub/image-ydXbyfluDqrF4odQH8fDyBF07ONcpJdQHNaYyXk1s4K8Dk6Q/kevin-polizzi.jpg,http://experts-it.fr/files/2011/01/Jaguar-Kevin-Polizzi.jpg,http://www.jaguar-network.com/jn/templates/images/img57.jpg" } ); # Then save the tags id with the associated user id my $ids = join ",", map {$_->tid} @tags; my @st = $client->tags_save( { tids => $ids,uid => 'kevin.polizzi@face-client-perl' } ); # Train for the use $client->faces_train( { uids => 'kevin.polizzi@face-client-perl' } ); # From now on, you can try to recognize user on urL @tags = $client->faces_recognize( { urls => "http://img.clubic.com/03520176-photo-kevin-polizzi-fondateur-jaguar-network.jpg", uids => 'kevin.polizzi@face-client-perl' } ); if ($tags[0]->recognized) { ... } INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install Alternatively, to install with ExtUtils::MakeMaker, you can use the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Face::Client You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Face-Client AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan.org/dist/Face-Client CPAN Ratings http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Face-Client Search CPAN http://search.cpan.org/dist/Face-Client/ LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2012 Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.