NAME CGI::SessionM - Module provides sessions support inside CGI-scripts. À MySQL database is required for propertly functioning (DBI::mysql driver). VERSION Version 2.00 05.03.2007 SYNOPSIS #If your module is located in another directory than @ISA array contains: #use lib 'path to your lib'; use CGI::SessionM 2.00; -- or -- # If your module is located in another directory than @ISA array contains: unshift(@INC,"path to your lib"); require CGI::SessionM; Object $session creation my $session = new CGI::SessionM( -content=>'user data string', -count=>5, # maximum count of unsuccessful # attempt of password entering! (0 - endless attempts) -forbidden=>10800, # blocking period after unsuccessful # login in seconds (3 hours by default) -time=>1200, # session life time, in seconds after last # access to a page (20 minutes by default) -db=>'database name', -login=>'database username', -password=>'database password', -host=>'database server', # is empty by default -table=>'tablename for working with sessions data' # "sessionm" by default ); Authorization First stage. Authorization my ($err, @authdata) = $session->authorize($login, (<$password eq '********'>), $content); $login - autorizing user login. The expression (<$password eq '********'>) returns "true" if entered password is correct! $content - user data string. $err - value returned by function (return code/error). See the errors description in ERRORS chapter. @authdata - processed data. See details in DESCRIPTION chapter. Validation Second stage. Session validating. my ($err, @authdata) = $session->validate($GUIDM); $GUIDM - GUIGM of session. This value passes from one page to another on the site. $err - value returned by function (return code/error). See the errors description in ERRORS chapter. @authdata - processed data. See details in DESCRIPTION chapter. LOGOUT Third stage. Session cancelling. my $err = $session->logout($GUIDM); $GUIDM - GUIGM of session. This value passes from one page to another on the site. $err - value returned by function (return code/error). See the errors description in ERRORS chapter. Table creation Table creation in database for working with sessions. my ($err, $tablename) = $session->create_table(); Be attentive! This function is relates to DDL queries class. $err - value returned by function (return code/error). See the errors description in ERRORS chapter. $tablename - name of table to create. Userdata updating Userdata updating. my $err = $session->logout($GUIDM); $GUIDM - GUIGM of session. This value passes from one page to another on the site. $err - value returned by function (return code/error). See the errors description in ERRORS chapter. VALUES Getting of class property of $session object. print $session->echo() - one of the enumeration: maxcnt,timeout,timedie,content,guidm,login,dt,id,cnt,table ERRORS Getting error description. $session->echoerr($err); The function returns description of result's value of procedures in variable $err. DESCRIPTION IP-address of database server can be used as server name, e.g. For non-standard port just add ";port=1234" after server name (1234 is example of port number). So the complete string will be -host=>";port=1234" Authorize method takes "true" (non-0) and "false" (0) values as second parameter. For "true" value session will be created without error generation. Elsewise session will be created with error #1. See the errors description in ERRORS chapter. Most of methods return session data in such sequence: id identifier of record in table guidm session identifier ip IP address dt session lifetime login user login entered for authorization cnt count of attempts to eneter password content user data You need to care for pass GUIDM value (result of authorize method) from one page to another. It can be cookies operating or keeping GUIDM in GET/POST queries. Simple example my ($err,@authdata) = $session->authorize($login, $password eq 'sample' , join "||", qw/primer dannyh polzowatelja/); my $guidm = $authdata[1] || ''; ... my ($err,@authdata) = $session->validate($guidm); my $guidm = $authdata[1] || ''; ... if ($err == 0) { print "Set-Cookie: guidm=$guidm;\n"; } else { if ($err == 1) { $error = session->echoerr($err)." (attempt $authdata[0] of $authdata[1])"; } elsif($err == 4) { $error = session->echoerr($err)." (service is not available till $authdata[0])"; } elsif($err == 6) { $error = session->echoerr($err)." \{$authdata[0]\}"; } else { $error = session->echoerr($err); } } SQL: Creation table CREATE TABLE sessionm ( id INT(11) default NULL auto_increment, guidm char(39) default NULL, ip char(255) default NULL, dt INT(11) default NULL, login char(255) default NULL, cnt int(5) default NULL, content text default NULL, UNIQUE KEY (login), PRIMARY KEY (id)) ERROR description 0 OK () - Success. Methos returned array: 1 PASSWORD INCORRECT (,) - Password is incorrect. Attemption of permissible . 2 LOGIN INCORRECT () - Login is incorrect 3 GUIDM INCORRECT () - Incorrect GUIDM 4 FORBIDDEN (