Template Toolkit Version 2.00 Beta Release 5 14th September 2000 This is the fifth beta release of version 2.00 of the Perl Template Toolkit. Barring any major problems, this really will be the last beta release before version 2.00 proper (I know I said that for beta 4, but I really mean it this time). It is fully-featured, reliable and all known bugs have been fixed (but see the TODO list for a few outstanding issues and minor "features"). The Changes file details changes from the last beta release, and versions before that. It also includes the major changes from Version 1.xx to 2.00. Installation is as you might expect: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you have version 1.xx installed then be warned that version 2.00 will render it totally useless. This probably isn't an issue unless you're relying heavily on any of the more obscure "features" that have changed from version 1.xx to 2.00 (see Changes file). You can specify the PREFIX option to install the Template Toolkit to a different location if you want to preserve an existing installation (see ExtUtils::MakeMaker). Or preferably, install version 2.00 as per usual and then go back and install version 1.07 to an alternate location, thus ensuring that version 2.00 is the default. perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/some/where/else make, etc. The documentation is now complete in all its 100+ page glory. perldoc Template Any errors, inaccuracies or omissions are bugs and should be reported to the overworked and underpaid author who really needs to take a vacation. 8-) Enjoy A