####################################################################### # # Win32::Sound - Perl Module to play .WAV files and/or system sounds # ^^^^^^^^^^^^ # # Version: 0.03 (08 Mar 1997) # by Aldo Calpini # ####################################################################### Manifest ^^^^^^^^ The file Win32Sound-0.03.zip contains: README README.TXT TEST.PL INSTALL.BAT SOUND.PM SOUND.PLL.110 SOUND.PLL.30X SOURCE/README.TXT SOURCE/SOUND.CPP SOURCE/SOUND.DEF SOURCE/SOUND.MAK SOURCE/SOUND300.MAK (be sure to have unzipped it with LONG FILE NAMES and PATHS) Installation Instructions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Run the INSTALL.BAT program. 3. Run the TEST.PL script to see if everything works. 4. Have fun. Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This module works with: Perl for Win32 version 5.001m (build 110) Perl for Win32 version 5.003 (build 300 and higher, EXCEPT 304) That said, just place this line in your script: use Win32::Sound; You have now 2 functions available: 1) Win32::Sound::Play ( [$sound, $flag] ); --------------------------------------- Plays the specified sound: $sound can be name of a .WAV file or one of the following predefined sound names: SystemDefault SystemAsterisk SystemExclamation SystemExit SystemHand SystemQuestion SystemStart Additionally, if the name is not found, the functions plays the system default sound (unless you specify the SND_NODEFAULT flag). If no parameters are given, this function stops the sound actually playing (see also: Win32::Sound::Stop). $flag can be a combination of the following constants: SND_ASYNC The sound is played asynchronously and the function returns immediately after beginning the sound (if this flag is not specified, the sound is played synchronously and the function returns when the sound ends). SND_LOOP The sound plays repeatedly until it is stopped. You must also specify SND_ASYNC flag. SND_NODEFAULT No default sound is used. If the specified $sound cannot be found, the function returns without playing anything. SND_NOSTOP If a sound is already playing, the function fails. By default, any new call to the function will stop previously playing sounds. Examples: Win32::Sound::Play("SystemDefault"); Win32::Sound::Play("myfile.wav", SND_ASYNC | SND_LOOP); # this is the same as Stop()... Win32::Sound::Play(); # this will play SystemDefault (xxx doesn't exist) Win32::Sound::Play("xxx"); # this will play nothing (imagine why?) Win32::Sound::Play("xxx", SND_NODEFAULT); 2) Win32::Sound::Stop () --------------------- Stops the sound currently playing. Examples: Win32::Sound::Stop(); On-line ^^^^^^^ You can always find the latest version of this package online at: http://www.divinf.it/dada/perl/sound Send any comment to: Aldo Calpini