NAME Kelp::Module::MongoDB - Use MongoDB within Kelp DESCRIPTION Kelp::Module::MongoDB is a Kelp plugin. SYNOPSIS First ... # conf/ { modules => ['MongoDB'], modules_init => { MongoDB => { host => 'localhost', # example port => 27017, # example } } } Then ... package MyApp; use Kelp::Base 'Kelp'; sub some_route { my $self = shift; my $db = $self->mongodb->get_database('foodb'); my $collection = $db->get_collection('bar'); my $id = $collection->insert({some => 'data'}); my $data = $collection->find_one({_id => $id}); } METHODS This module registers only one method into the application: "mongodb". It is an instance of a MongoDB class. AUTHOR Adam Stokes COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013- Adam Stokes LICENSE Licensed under the same terms as Perl. SEE ALSO Kelp.