# PerlVision - A class library for text-mode user interface widgets. # By Ashish Gulhati (hash@netropolis.org) # V.0.2.0 # # Copyright (c) Ashish Gulhati, 1995. All Rights Reserved. # # Free electronic distribution permitted. You are free to use # PerlVision in your own code so long as this copyright message stays # intact. PerlVision or derived code may not be used in any commercial # product without my prior written or PGP-signed consent. Please e-mail # me if you make significant changes, or just want to let me know what # you're using PerlVision for. PerlVision is a Perl 5 class library that enables you to implement an attractive and versatile text-mode interface for your application programs on Unix. It contains support for most common input elements as well as for dialog boxes with arbitrary combinations of input elements. To use PerlVision you will need at least Perl 5.000, available from ftp.netlabs.com and prep.ai.mit.edu, among other sites, and William Setzer's Curses interface to Perl, available from ftp.ncsu.edu in /pub/math/wsetzer. The perlvision-0.1.0.tgz file should contain: PV.pm - The PerlVision module. PerlVision.doc - Documentation for PerlVision. rap - (rap ain't pico) A simple text editor as an example of using PerlVision. COPYING - The GPL - terms and conditions under which rap (but not the rest of PerlVision) is distributed README - This file. IAFA-PACKAGE - The IETF FTP Archives Working Group standard format description of PerlVision. PerlVision is not public domain or copylefted software. If you plan to use PerlVision or anything derived from it in any product that will be sold commercially, you must obtain my prior written or PGP-signed consent. If you just want to use RAP, install Curses.pm and put PV.pm in your Perl lib directory, typically /usr/lib/perl5 or /usr/local/lib/perl5, put rap in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin, change the first line in rap to point to where your Perl5 binary is installed, and you're all set. RAP _is_ copylefted software. Ashish Gulhati --====--- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --=---=-- Ashish Gulhati | hash@netropolis.org |"Existence Exists" --=---=-- Netropolis | http://www.well.com/www/hash | ~ Ayn Rand --=---=-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --=---=-- Finger hash@well.sf.ca.us for PGP public key. --=---=-- -----------------------------------------------------------------