# Cico SparkBot implementation This bundle includess the following libraries: | Module | Function | |--------|----------| | AnyEvent::SparkBot | Asyncrnous AnyEvent loop implementation of the Spark Bot | | AnyEvent::HTTP::Spark | Dual Nature Syncrnous/Asyncrnous AnyEvent friendly Spark v1 HTTP Client library | | AnyEvent::SparkBot::SharedRole | Shared library used by AnyEvent::SparkBot and AnyEvent::HTTP::Spark | Once installed it you should be able to use perldoc to view the pod. ## Basic Example This example shows how to connect to spark and respond to text messages. ``` use Modern::Perl; use Data::Dumper; use AnyEvent::SparkBot; use AnyEvent::Loop; $|=1; my $obj=new AnyEvent::SparkBot(token=>$ENV{SPARK_TOKEN},on_message=>\&cb); $obj->que_getWsUrl(sub { $obj->start_connection}); $obj->agent->run_next; AnyEvent::Loop::run; sub cb { my ($sb,$result,$eventType,$verb,$json)=@_; return unless $eventType eq 'conversation.activity' and $verb eq 'post'; if($result) { my $data=$result->get_data; my $response={ roomId=>$data->{roomId}, personId=>$data->{personId}, text=>"ya.. ya ya.. I'm on it!" }; print Dumper($data); $sb->spark->que_createMessage(sub {},$response); $sb->agent->run_next; } else { print "Error: $result\n"; } } ``` ## To Build: ``` perl MakeFile.PL make make test make install ``` ## For more extensive unit testing If you want to test this object with your token ``` export SPARK_TOKEN=myToken export TEST_USER='Firstname LastName' export RUN_HTTP_TESTS=1 export TEST_USER_WC='User%' export TEST_EMAIL='User%' export TEST_PERSON_ID=xxxxx export TEST_MSG_ID=xxx perl MakeFile.PL make make test make install ``` # Licence The Perl 5 License (Artistic 1 & GPL 1 or later)