README for Games::Cards module ------------------------------ Games::Cards is a Perl module used to write card games. It's basically a bunch of object-oriented methods to create sets of cards and move cards within and between those sets---which, if you think about it, is all that a card game is. See the embedded pod documentation (e.g., "perldoc Games::Cards"). The docs describe only the public subroutines and classes (plus a couple private classes whose subroutines are inherited by public derived classes). There is some more documentation (on private stuff) as regular comments in the module. And that's not all! The module comes with some (free!) games that have been written using Games::Cards. These include: - Otherwise known as regular old Solitaire. Currently the most useful of these games. - This game plays both sides in a game of War, saving time and effort for weary users. And in case you saw the movie Wargames, don't worry: Even though the module may be buggy, it probably won't lead to a global thermonuclear war. - Plays gin. Unfortunately, Games::Cards doesn't yet work over a network so both players play on the same screen, which kind of ruins the game. However, support for Server/Client games is under active development. -------------------------------------------------- Version info: WARNING! THIS CODE IS STILL ALPHA The whole package may change radically before it becomes beta. I'm developing the module with RCS, and the version number is derived from that. Right now I'm using v1.*, and the version numbers are changing quickly. When things settle down, I'll move to v2.* and use subversions so that the version numbers change more slowly. -------------------------------------------------- Installation ------------ This module uses MakeMaker, so to install it, just do: perl Makefile.PL make make install