NAME ORM - Object relational mapper for Perl. SYNOPSIS Purpose of this document is to brief introduce usage of PerlORM library on simple example. Example is 'Tasks Planner' (or 'Todo List') application. LESSON 1: CREATING OBJECT MODEL We wil start with simple object model, which will be improved and modified as needed later. Object classes of our example application is: 1. Task Properties: * Title (title) * Detailed description (desc) * Task creation time (created) * Task start time (start_date), can be undef * Task end time (end_date), can be undef * Task deadline (deadline), can be undef * Responsible worker (worker) 2. Worker Properties: * Worker name (name) First step in creation of object model is to create so called initial class. Initial class is base class for all classes of our object model. File Todo/ package Todo::ORM; use ORM::Db::DBI::MySQL; # Using MySQL storage driver use base 'ORM'; BEGIN { # _init method should be called in begin block of every # initial class. ORM->_init ( # Enable objects change history. # If this parameter is omitted then history will # be disabled for entire object model. # See below about what class 'Todo::History' should # look like. history_class => 'Todo::History', # Do not use lazy objects load by default prefer_lazy_load => 0, emulate_foreign_keys => 1, default_cache_size => 200, # Initialization of storage driver db => ORM::Db::DBI::MySQL->new ( host => 'localhost', database => 'todo_list', user => 'root', password => '', ), ); } 1; Next step is to create "Todo::History" class. This class will be responsible for storing objects change history. Class module content is quite simple: File Todo/ package Todo::History; $VERSION=0.1; use ORM::Base 'Todo::ORM', i_am_history=>1; 1; Now let's create all other classes of our model. PerlORM does not require to declare class properties in both class declaration and database. Creation of database table for storing objects of the class is quite enough. Fields in this table will correspond to object properties. One or more database tables are assigned to each class (more than one table is used in case of inheritance). Each object of the class is represented by single row in table or rows inner join in case of inheritance. Initial declaration of classes also looks very simple: File Todo/ package Todo::Task; $VERSION=0.1; use ORM::Base 'Todo::ORM'; File Todo/ package Todo::Worker; $VERSION=0.1; use ORM::Base 'Todo::ORM'; There is one question: how PerlORM detects what table to use for certain class? If table name is not specified obviously then ORM class calls method "_guess_table_name" which is by default uses regexp "$class =~ s/::/_/g;" to detect table name from class name. You can change this behaviour by overriding "_guess_table_name" method in your initial class. For example: sub _guess_table_name { my $my_class = shift; my $class = shift; my $table; $table = substr( $class, index( $class, '::' )+2 ); $table =~ s/::/_/g; return $table; } Now table for class "Todo::Task" should be named "Task" and not "Todo_Task". It's time to create database tables. (Name of database being used is specified in storage driver constructor.) CREATE DATABASE todo_list; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `todo_list`.`_ORM_refs`; CREATE TABLE `_ORM_refs` ( `class` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '', `prop` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '', `ref_class` varchar(45) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`class`,`prop`) ) TYPE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO '_ORM_refs' VALUES ( 'Todo::Task', 'worker', 'Todo::Worker' ); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `todo_list`.`History`; CREATE TABLE `History` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `obj_class` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `prop_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `obj_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `old_value` varchar(255) default '', `new_value` varchar(255) default '', `date` datetime NOT NULL, `editor` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `slaved_by` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=InnoDB; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `todo_list`.`Task`; CREATE TABLE `task` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `desc` text NOT NULL, `created` date default NULL, `start_date` date default NULL, `deadline` date default NULL, `worker` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=InnoDB; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `todo_list`.`Worker`; CREATE TABLE `worker` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=InnoDB; We just created 4 tables, first of them "_ORM_refs" is special table. ORM uses it to detect links between classes in our model and with third party classes. In our model "worker" property of class "Todo::Task" should be reference of an object of class "Todo::Worker". To declare it for ORM we should insert following row in "_ORM_refs": class | prop | ref_class ------------------------------------ Todo::Task | worker | Todo::Worker For frequently used classes there is another way to define relations between objects, this way is to override of "ORM::_db_type_to_class" method in our initial class. "ORM::_db_type_to_class" accepts table field name and type as its arguments and returns class assigned to property. "ORM::_db_type_to_class" defined in ORM class by default assigns classes ORM::Date and ORM::Datetime to properties described by fields of type "DATE" and "DATETIME" respectively. Every table that is used with ORM should have acutoincremented field "id" which stored ID of objects of corresponding class. LESSON 2: CREATING AND UPDATING OBJECTS To manage objects of our model we will create two perl scripts, one for create objects "" and second for updating "" File #!/usr/bin/perl # # Use: perl ... # # Class - Name of the class without 'Todo::' prefix. # use lib "lib"; use lib "../ORM/lib"; $nick = shift; $class = "Todo::$nick"; eval "require $class" or die $@; $error = ORM::Error->new; %prop = @ARGV; $obj = $class->new( prop=>\%prop, error=>$error ); if( $obj ) { print "New $nick was created with id:".$obj->id."\n" if( $obj ); $obj->print; } print $error->text; File #!/usr/bin/perl # # Use: perl ... # # Class - Name of the class without 'Todo::' prefix. # use lib "lib"; use lib "../ORM/lib"; $nick = shift; $class = "Todo::$nick"; eval "require $class" or die $@; $id = shift; $error = ORM::Error->new; %prop = @ARGV; $obj = $class->find_id( id=>$id, error=>$error ); if( $obj ) { $obj->update( prop=>\%prop, error=>$error ) unless( $error->fatal ); print "Updated $nick with id:".$obj->id."\n"; $obj->print; } else { print STDERR "Object #$id of $class not found!\n"; } print $error->text; Both scripts use "print" method we doesn't declare yet. This method is aimed to print plain text information about specified object. This method should be defined in initial class so every object of our model can acces it. sub print { my $self = shift; my $ident = shift||0; my @ref; # Do not dive deeper that third level of recursion # when printing information about related objects. return if( $ident > 3 ); # Print information about specified object print ' 'x($ident*2),('-'x20),"\n"; for my $prop ( (ref $self)->_all_props ) { printf "%".(20+$ident*2)."s %s\n", "$prop:", $self->_property_id( $prop ); if( (ref $self)->_prop_is_ref( $prop ) && $self->_property( $prop ) ) { push @ref, $self->_property( $prop ); } } print ' 'x($ident*2),('-'x20),"\n\n"; # Print information about related objects for my $prop ( @ref ) { print ' 'x(($ident+1)*2),"Related object '$prop':\n"; $prop->print( $ident+1 ); } } Now we can fill our model with some objects. # perl Worker name "Eric Cartman" New Worker was created with id:1 -------------------- id: 1 class: Todo::Worker name: Eric Cartman -------------------- # perl Worker name "Kenny McCormic" New Worker was created with id:2 -------------------- id: 2 class: Todo::Worker name: Kenny McCormic -------------------- # perl Task \ title "Kill Kenny" \ desc "Just kill Kenny!" \ worker 1 \ created "2005-12-18" \ start_date "2006-01-01" \ deadline "2006-01-02" New Task was created with id:1 -------------------- id: 1 class: Todo::Task created: 2005-12-18 desc: Just kill Kenny! worker: 1 deadline: 2006-01-02 title: Kill Kenny start_date: 2006-01-01 -------------------- Related object 'worker': -------------------- id: 1 class: Todo::Worker name: Eric Cartman -------------------- # perl Task \ title "Eat Chocolate pie" \ desc "Ask your mummy." \ worker 1 \ created "2005-12-18" \ start_date "2006-01-01" \ deadline "2006-01-02" New Task was created with id:2 -------------------- id: 2 class: Todo::Task created: 2005-12-18 desc: Ask your mummy. worker: 1 deadline: 2006-01-02 title: Eat Chocolate pie start_date: 2006-01-01 -------------------- Related object 'worker': -------------------- id: 1 class: Todo::Worker name: Eric Cartman -------------------- For more comfort let's modify "Todo::Task" class so it can assign current time to "created" property when explicit value is not specified: sub _validate_prop { my $self = shift; my %arg = @_; if( ! $self->id && ! $self->created ) { $self->_fix_prop ( prop => { created=>ORM::Date->current }, error => $arg{error}, ); } $self->SUPER::_validate_prop( %arg ); } * Method "_validate_prop" is implicitly called when new object is being created ("new" method) and when object is being updated ("update" method). * Condition ( !$self->id ) means than object is not yet stored in database table and therefore doesn't have ID assigned to it. In another words this means than condition will be true only in "new" method. * Method '_fix_prop' is intended to use only within "_validate_prop". * Do not forget to call "SUPER::_validate_prop". Let's add one more task: # perl Task \ title "Keep alive" \ desc "Just keep alive!" \ worker 2 \ start_date "2005-12-31" \ deadline "2006-01-02" New Task was created with id:3 -------------------- id: 3 class: Todo::Task created: 2005-12-18 desc: Just keep alive! worker: 2 deadline: 2006-01-02 title: Keep alive start_date: 2005-12-31 -------------------- Related object 'worker': -------------------- id: 2 class: Todo::Worker name: Kenny McCormic -------------------- As you can see "created" property is implicitly initialized with default value of current time. (It seems like Kenny will die anyway after deadline.) LESSON 3: SELECTING AND FILTERING Now when we have some tasks planned for workers it's time to make some reports about tasks state. Interesting reports are: * Tasks planned to be done by specific worker * Tasks that should be done due specified date Tasks for first report can be selected as follows: ORM::DbLog->write_to_stderr( 1 ); @tasks = Todo::Task->find ( filter => ( Todo::Task->M->worker == $worker ), error => $error, ); Todo::Task->M->worker - is so named Meta-property, Meta-property is object of class "ORM::Metaprop" or its descendants. In resulting SQL-query Meta-properties are replaced with names of corresponding table fields. Special meta-property Todo::Task->M means object of class itself. Below you will see that meta-properties is very powerful facility and is also easy to use. Variable $worker should contain "Todo::Worker" object or just its integer ID. Variable $error of type "ORM::Error" will contain description of error if any occured during query. "error" parameter is not required, if it is omitted then error is silently ignored. In future version this behavious can be changed. Call "ORM::DbLog"->write_to_stderr( 1 ) enables trace of so called SQL-log to STDERR this is useful tool for debugging you code. In described case (assuming $worker=1) SQL-log trace will look as follows: -------------------------- [Mon Dec 26 00:14:27 2005]: ORM::find: Success SELECT DISTINCT `Task`.* FROM `Task` WHERE (`worker` = '1') If we need to select tasks by worker name, then method call wiil look like this: @tasks = Todo::Task->find ( filter => ( Todo::Task->M->worker->name eq $worker_name ), order => ORM::Order->new( [ Todo::Task->M->created, 'DESC' ] ), error => $error, ); Draw attention on using of operators "==" and "eq". Databases usually have no sence to this operator because in most cases they will be translater to SQL "=" operator which is used for string and numeric comparisons. Nevertheless for best readability it is reasonable to use this operators as in native Perl. Parameter 'order' specifies that found tasks should be sorted by "created" time in descendant order. Let's try little more complicated query when we need to find tasks assigned for workers containing some string in their names: @tasks = Todo::Task->find ( filter => ( Todo::Task->M->worker->name->_like( '%Cartman%' ) ), order => ORM::Order->new( [ Todo::Task->M->created, 'DESC' ] ), error => $error, ); Resulting SQL-query for the call: SELECT DISTINCT `_T1_Task`.* FROM `Task` AS `_T1_Task` LEFT JOIN `Worker` AS `_T2_Worker` ON( `_T1_Task`.`worker`=`_T2_Worker`.`id` ) WHERE (`_T2_Worker`.`name` LIKE '%Cartman%') ORDER BY `_T1_Task`.`created` DESC Call for second report looks much similar: $M = Todo::Task->M; @tasks = Todo::Task->find( filter => ( $M->deadline < '2006-01-30' ) ); Variable $M is for brevity, such trick is useful when constructing complex meta-expressions. There is another interesting report is about number of tasks assigned to each worker, for this report we will use "stat" method, This method is useful when you need info about related objects: $M = Todo::Worker->M; $res = Todo::Worker->stat ( data => { worker => $M, tasks => $M->_rev( 'Todo::Task' => 'worker' )->_count, }, group_by => [ $M ], preload => { worker=>1 }, ); Opposite to "find" method which returns array of objects "stat" method returns array of hashes with requested data. Parameter "data" is hash reference that defines what of data should be retrieved from database. Resulting hash will contain records with exactly the same keys as in "data" parameter and with values retrieved from database as specified by values of "data". In out case $res will contain hashes with two keys "worker" - "Todo::Worker" object and "tasks" - number of assigned tasks. Parameter "group_by" similar to SQL "GROUP BY" statement. In resulting SQL-query "group_by" will be replaced with "GROUP BY". It is used to define how to apply grouping method "_count". Parameter "preload" defines objects then should be loaded by resulting query and not later by separate query. Meta-property $M->_rev( 'Todo::Task' => 'worker' ) called reversive meta-property it is used to access objects that refer to selected objects by one of its property. In our case objects of class "Todo::Task" referring to objects of class "Todo::Worker" by property "worker", therefore we can reversively access tasks assigned to a worker. SQL-query for the call: -------------------------- [Mon Dec 26 00:49:34 2005]: ORM::stat: Success SELECT 'Todo::Worker' AS `_worker class`, COUNT( `_T2_Task`.`id` ) AS `tasks`, `_T1_Worker`.`id` AS `worker`, `_T1_Worker`.`name` AS `_worker name` FROM `Worker` AS `_T1_Worker` LEFT JOIN `Task` AS `_T2_Task` ON( `_T1_Worker`.`id`=`_T2_Task`.`worker` ) GROUP BY `_T1_Worker`.`id` LESSON 4: DELETING OBJECTS (In progress...) LESSON 5: ERROR HANDLING (In progress...) LESSON 6: TRANSACTIONS (In progress...) LESSON 7: LAZY LOAD (In progress...) LESSON 8: USING HISTORY (In progress...) LESSON 9: INHERITANCE (In progress...) LESSON 10: SOME REFACTORING (In progress...) SEE ALSO AUTHOR Alexey V. Akimov COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 by Alexey V. Akimov This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of LGPL licence.