Sys::OutPut is a Perl 5 module which defines the subroutines "out", "put", "err", "talk", and "debug", all of which perform printf-formatting of their arguments to either STDOUT or STDERR, as appropriate, with or without trailing newlines, and possibly depending upon the $quiet or $debug variables. Basically, I don't like to write "printf STDERR" or "printf STDOUT", so these little routines do it for me. And, they take care of ensuring that newlines are output when appropriate. You would be surprised how much easier writing Perl scripts is when you use these little routines. The "debug" routine is particularly useful when you can code like this: next if debug "I got this far." The module has embedded POD text with which man or HTML pages can be created. For detailed usage information, you can do: pod2man | nroff -man The module is accompanied with a Makefile.PL, this README, a test program (, a reference test output file, and the GNU License, under which this software is freely available. The archives are available at your nearest CPAN site. Contributions or improvements are welcome. _____________________________________________________________________ Alan Stebbens