Symphero::Web is a part of Symphero open source e-commerce suite. It can also be used as a general purpose web templating system that allows you to create arbitrary complex web pages and process them in rather optimal way. Most interesting features of Symphero::Web are: * works with CGI or mod_perl (mod_perl is recommended for production grade sites). * site can replace or modify standard Symphero::Web objects if required by overriding or extending their methods. You do not need to re-implement entire object to make a site specific change. * site can create any extension objects or embed third-party extensions as well. * one server can serve arbitrary number of Symphero::Web sites each with however extended fucnctionality without creating any confilcts. * there are standard objects that support e-commerce functionality that is enough to implement amazon-style e-commerce sites relatively easy. That includes credit card authorization, strong cryptography, users database, products database, orders database, shipping tracking and so on. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install it in a usual way, just say: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Saying "install Symphero::Web" from CPAN shell is a good way too. When you run "perl Makefile.PL" you will be asked for Symphero::Web home directory. Feel free to point it somewhere inside your home directory if you do not feel like modifying /usr/local/symphero (suggested default). This is a directory where CGI and mod_perl handler would be placed along with default site and default templates. That means that entire path to that directory should be world-readable (or at least web-server readable). NOTE: On FreeBSD 4.x (or probably with just some older version of MakeMaker) there is a problem with installing to /usr/local/symphero - somehow MakeMaker translates it to $(PREFIX)/symphero and PREFIX is /usr. I do not yet have a solution for that other then installing it somewhere outside /usr/local. FIRST-TIME RUNNING AND TESTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you installed Symphero::Web you can try it in web environment. Configure your Apache server so that it would execute (from now on I assume that Symphero::Web was installed into /usr/local/symphero) /usr/local/symphero/cgi-bin/ when someone types URL like Here is an example configuration for that: ServerName ServerAlias ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /SYMPHERO/cgi-bin Options +ExecCGI SetHandler cgi-script RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/images/(.*)$ /home/am/s4exp/projects/foocom/images/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /home/am/s4exp/bin/$1 [L] SITE DEVELOPMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CORE CODE DEVELOPMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you plan to make changes to the Symphero::Web code (which is not recommended unless you participate in official development) please read devsite/README for instructions.