About this distro ----------------- This collection of scripts and modules provides access to the APC (Archive of Perl Changes). Data Prerequisites ------------------ You need to mirror parts of the APC repository to your local disk. This is described in the buildaperl manpage. Scripts ------- patchaperlup a low level script that only builds new perl sources from old perl sources by applying numerically sorted patchfiles. buildaperl a wrapper around patchaperlup that is able to compile and install a new perl into its own cache area. binsearchaperl a wrapper around buildaperl that is able to run already built perls from the cache area as well as build new perls via buildaperl and compare their functionality. If there is a different behaviour between two perls, the script is able to determine the exact patch number that caused the change. perlpatch2svn *** DEPRECATED *** parse a stream of patches from the APC and feed them into a Subversion repository. Pedantically reconstruct as much as possible from the Perforce repository, binary files that are missing in the APC are restored from a dump. apc2svn *** DEPRECATED *** a wrapper around perlpatch2svn which has a concept how a future subversion repository might look like. It is able to import the whole APC into an empty or prepopulated repository. Incremental updates from APC into this repository supported. **Use with caution**, the repository layout itself is still subject to change. Modules ------- Perl::Repository::APC provides methods to get at the important metadata of the APC--branches, perl versions and patches. Perl::Repository::APC2SVN *** DEPRECATED *** a collection of utility functions for the scripts that deal with importing the APC into a Subversion repository. Perl::Repository::APC::BAP Rules how to translate arguments 5.6.0@5666, 5.7.3@, @17000, etc. as short names for patched perl versions. Only used by buildaperl. Copyright --------- Code and data are copyright (C) 2002,2003,2005,2006,2007,2008 Andreas Koenig and Rafael Garcia-Suarez. They can be used, modified, and redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.