XML::Code - Perl module for converting XML hash structures into plain text. /* Description */ XML::Code module is designed to enable simple object-oriented procedure of creating XML data. As soon as a programmer realizes that XML and OOP are kindred and have sibling connections he or she wants to use objects instead of plain text in the phase of producing XML files. XML::Code allows thinking of XML tags as of nested named objects and expects XML::Code::code() method be called to produce plain text XML. XML::Code only produce code: that means the module does not provide methods of random access (like XPath does) to the XML structure though tree elements are fully accessible as nested hashes. /* Installation */ Standard way of installing: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install /* Usage */ Information on using XML::Code is contained in Code.pm file ad pod parts. Basic usage of XML::Code is demonstrated in test.pl file. Full description of the latest release of XML::Code module is also available in Russian at http://webcode.ru/cgi/xml-code/. /* Author */ Andrew Shitov Please feel free to contact me via e-mail. /* Copyright */ XML::Code modude is a free software. You may redistribute and (or) modify it under the same terms as Perl.