Orac -- an Oracle 7.3 and Oracle 8 DBA GUI tool for Perl 5. Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Andy Duncan, England email: andy_j_duncan@yahoo.com You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file, with the exception that it cannot be placed on a CD-ROM or similar media for commercial distribution without the prior approval of the author. WARNING: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *** QUICK START GUIDE: *). Load perl5.005_02, DBD-Oracle-0.54, DBI-1.02 & Tk800.011 *). Unzip (gzip -d, gunzip) the ORAC-DBA-0.01.tar.gz file *). Untar (tar xvf) the ORAC-DBA-0.01.tar file *). cd ORAC-DBA-0.01 *). Set and export ORACLE_HOME in your environment *). Run ./orac_dba.pl, first making sure the top line of the file has the right perl string address, eg: => #!/usr/local/bin/perl *). Most things should be fairly straightforward after that. *** START GUIDE: *). Load perl5.005_02, DBD-Oracle-0.54, DBI-1.02 & Tk800.011 *). Unzip (gzip -d, gunzip) the ORAC-DBA-0.01.tar.gz file *). Untar (tar xvf) the ORAC-DBA-0.01.tar file *). cd ORAC-DBA-0.01 *). Edit txt_files/orac_db_list.txt and place in it all the database connect strings you use most often via Oracle Names, or SQL*Net. *). Go to the 'dbs' directory, where you will find a number of files. These have been set up as in the following example. *. Three users are to regularly use Orac: guest, user1 and user2 *. guest is the default user for occasional access *. user1 is the admin user, user2 is a typical known user *. Put all the users in the orac_login.dbf file guest^ user1^ user2^ *. For each user, create a file _user.dbf *. In the _user.dbf, put three entries for: password^default_background_colour^default_foreground_colour^ *. In the orac_admin.dbf file, place the user you want to administer the system: user1^ *. The 'guest' user is hardcoded in the Orac perl code, so please do not adjust entries for this user, until you've worked out how Orac works, and then alter it how you will. *). At the top of orac_dba.pl, change the perl executable string to whatever is appropriate, eg: => #!/usr/local/bin/perl *** *BEFORE* BUILDING, TESTING AND INSTALLING this you will need to: Build, test and install Perl 5 (at least 5.005_02, preferably version 5.004_01 or later). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Build, test and install the Tk module (at least Tk800.011). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Build, test and install the DBI module (at least DBI 1.02). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Remember to *read* the DBI README file and this one CAREFULLY! Build, test and install the DBD module (at least DBI 0.54). It is very important to TEST it and INSTALL it! Remember to *read* the DBD README file and this one CAREFULLY! Install enough Oracle software to enable DBD::Oracle to build. Orac was originally written with all the named Perl modules above. It may not necessarily work with later versions, but probably will. *** RUNNING ORAC: A script has been supplied to run Orac, run_orac.sh, which is pretty simple. Take a look at it and see how it works. Basically all you need to do is change the ORACLE_HOME, to whatever yours is for DBD, point the 'cd' command to the one containing your 'ORAC_DBA' directory, and then place run_orac.sh in a typical bin directory in your PATH, or your current directory, and then run it: ./run_orac.sh *. For now, until you work it out later, just login as the guest user. *. Then input the SQL*Net connection string for your database followed by the SYSTEM user password for that database *. You should now be connected to the database as the SYSTEM user, and all of Orac's tools should be available to you to use. *** ABOUT ORAC: Orac (ORacle for Andy's Console - well, it's actually named after Orac from Blakes' Seven) is a Perl/Tk tool written by Andy Duncan (andy_j_duncan@yahoo.com) in order to store many different and hopefully useful SQL scripts within one central easy-to-use interface repository. It is a Read-Only 'as is' tool (ie: no DDL, DML, transactions, commits or rollbacks, only selects) and will be updated continuously to improve its functionality and GUI-ness simplicity. If you have any useful SQL scripts, which you would like to be included within Orac, or requirements which you think may be useful to others, please mail them to me at the above address and I'll try and embed them. If you would like to form a joint internet project with me (eg: Linux?) to develop the Orac tool into a fully functioning 'complete' Oracle suite of programs, then please let me know and we'll get it set up. In the meantime, all scripts or ideas, if used, will be fully acknowledged in future versions of Orac, however please note I would like to keep it Read-Only for now, unless you can persuade me otherwise. Good graphical ideas for turning difficult to read V$ table information into useful pictures are particularly welcomed, as is functionality not currently supplied within other GUI tools. General ideas for improving Orac (which started life as a ten line SQL script for killing rogue Oracle processes) are also welcomed, except for those starting with the phrase; 'it would be better in Windows'. Orac is currently written in perl5.005_02 with DBD-Oracle-0.54, DBI-1.02 & Tk800.011 all of which are freely available from www.perl.com for download. Orac was built mainly upon Oracle 804 but should work equally well with anything Oracle 7.3 or over. EOF