Nmap/Parser/XML version 0.68 ============================ nmap xml output parser in perl This module is intended to sift through the nmap scan outputs in xml form, either by passing a filehandle that is being piped from a current nmap scan or passing an xml filename that is the output of the of using the '-oX file.xml' option. It uses the XML::Twig library, which is memory efficient and fast. In the authors opinion, this module is very easy to use to extract information from an nmap xml scan output about the scan itself and the hosts that were scanned. I am trying to balance efficiency with ease of use. If you think something can be done differently send your feedback. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: XML::Twig 3.0+ In addition, you will need nmap 3.00+. You don't exactly need it, but this version of nmap supports the xml output that this module can parse. So, you do not really need the executable, but the xml output that you will be parsing (or able to parse), must be from this version onward. CHANGES Changes from 0.66 to 0.68 - Licensing changes, now under GPL - added signatures for wireless access points (wap) - added os_match shortcut function - Problem with Makefile.PL, didn't pass correct dependencies. - tcp_port_state() and udp_port_state() return the state of the port when passed a port number. - Sorted port order when using tcp_ports and udp_ports - extraports tag parsing. It is also set up as a filter 'extraports' filtering. Added extraports_state and extraports_count to Nmap::Parser::XML::Host class. - Added and fix some documentation - tcp_ports and udp_ports can take a parameter to filter what port list you wish to receive. It selects states based on port content state tag: filtered, closed, or open - previous versions (0.64 or earlier) of the parser, no arguments to tcp_ports and udp_ports would return the whole hashref of all the ports, this is now deprecated. Use the newly created functions tcp_service_name, tcp_service_proto, tcp_service_rpcnum, udp_service_name, udp_service_proto, and udp_service_rpcnum. - changed default filter for solaris to include 'sun' and not 'sunos' - more example scripts - no more wantarray usage for tcp_ports and udp_ports - more test cases FOR OTHER CHANGE INFORMATION SEE THE "CHANGES" FILE COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2003 Anthony G Persaud L This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.