DBD::PgPP ========= DBD::PgPP - Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI. DBD::PgPP is a Pure Perl client interface for the PostgreSQL database. This module implements the PostgreSQL client/server network protocol, so you don't need an external PostgreSQL client library like "libpq" for it to work. That means you can connect to a PostgreSQL server from operating systems to which PostgreSQL has not been ported. How nifty! DEPENDENCIES: ------------- This module requires these other modules and libraries: DBI IO::Socket OPERATING SYSTEMS SUPPORTED BY 'DBD::PgPP': ------------------------------------------- This module has been tested on these OSes. * Mac OS 9 with MacPerl5.6.1r1 built for PowerPC * Mac OS X with perl 5.6.0 buildt for darwin * Windows2000 with ActivePerl5.6.1 buildt631 * FreeBSD4.6 with perl5.6.1 built for i386-freebsd * FreeBSD3.4 with perl5.005_03 & perl5.6.1 built for i386-freebsd * Linux with perl5.005_03 built for ppc-linux * Linux with perl5.6.1 on i386 * Solaris 2.6 with perl 5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris * Solaris 2.6 with perl 5.004_04 built for sun4-solaris # This list is the environment which I can use by the test usually. # DBD::PgPP will operate also in much environment which is not # in a list. Can use on Solaris2.6 with perl5.004_04, although 'make test' is failure. INSTALLATION: ------------- To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Note: A part of tests are skipped in the system which used a DES-base crypt(). if this is the other authentication methods, (like 'trust', 'password', 'md5') it will operate correctly. When using 'md5' authentication, if there is no 'Digest::MD5' module, MD5 will be calculated inside. However, it recommends that it installs 'Digest::MD5' module since this is a low speed. TESTING: -------- The tests are designed to connect to a live database. The following environment variables must be set for the tests to run: PG_TEST_DB= PG_TEST_USER= PG_TEST_PASS= PG_TEST_HOST=* PG_TEST_HOST is optional. When this is not specified, it connects with UNIX socket of '/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432'. LIMITATION: ----------- * Can't use 'crypt' authentication in a DES-based crypt(). * Can't use the 'Kerberos v4/5' authentication. * Can't use the SSL Connection. * Can't use BLOB data. BUG REPORT: ----------- Wne a problem is found, append the following elements and give mail to . * The version and platform of Perl which are used. * The version and platform of PostgreSQL server. * All the error messages generated with the problem. * The sample code which can reproduce the problem. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE: ---------------------- Copyright (C) 2004 Hiroyuki OYAMA. Japan. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.