============================================================================== Release of version 0.01 of Acme::EyeDrops ============================================================================== NAME Acme::EyeDrops - Visual Programming in Perl SYNOPSIS use Acme::EyeDrops qw(sightly); print sightly( { Shape => 'camel', SourceFile => 'myprog.pl' } ); DESCRIPTION Acme::EyeDrops converts a Perl program into an equivalent one, but without all those unsightly letters and numbers. It supports Visual Programming by allowing you to pour the generated program into various shapes, such as UML diagrams, enabling you to instantly understand how the program works by glancing at its new and improved visual representation. INSTALLATION It's all pure Perl, so just put the .pm file and *.eye files in its appropriate local Perl subdirectory. AUTHOR Andrew Savige COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001, Andrew Savige. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html) ============================================================================== AVAILABILITY Acme::EyeDrops has been uploaded to the CPAN. ==============================================================================