Name CatalystX::Test::Most - Test base pulling in Catalyst::Test, Test::More, Test::Fatal, and HTTP::Request::Common for unit tests on Catalyst applications. Synopsis use CatalystX::Test::Most "MyApp"; ok request("/")->is_success, "/ is okay"; is exception { request("/no-such-uri") }, undef, "404s do not throw exceptions"; is request("/no-such-uri")->code, 404, "And do return 404"; done_testing(); # ok 1 - / is okay # ok 2 - 404s do not throw exceptions # ok 3 - And do return 404 # 1..3 Exported Functions from Other Packages Catalyst::Test Everything, so see its documentation: Catalyst::Test. CatalystX::Test::Most is basically an overloaded version of it. Test::More All of its exported functions; see its documentation: Test::More. Test::Fatal See "exception" in Test::Fatal. New Function * "ctx" This is a wrapper to get the context object. It will only work on local tests (not remote servers). Notes strictures are exported. Copyright and License Ashley Pond V. Artistic License 2.0.