# Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Perl This repository contains Aspose.Slides Cloud SDK for Perl source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Slides Cloud REST APIs in your Perl applications. ## How to use the SDK? The complete source code is available in this repository folder. You can either directly use it in your project via source code or get [CPAN module] (recommended). ## Prerequisites To use Aspose Slides for Cloud Python SDK you need to register an account with [Aspose Cloud](https://www.aspose.cloud/) and lookup/create App Key and SID at [Cloud Dashboard](https://dashboard.aspose.cloud/#/apps). There is free quota available. For more details, see [Aspose Cloud Pricing](https://purchase.aspose.cloud/pricing). ## Contact Us Your feedback is very important to us. Please feel free to contact us using our [Support Forums](https://forum.aspose.cloud/c/slides).