Monupco-dotCloud ================ registration agent for dotCloud / Perl applications This module compiles a list of locally installed Perl distributions and sends it to where you check your application statistics and available updates. INSTALLATION To register your dotCloud Perl application to Monupco do the following: 1) Create a Perl application on dotCloud 2) Add a dependency in your Makefile.PL file PREREQ_PM => { 'App::Monupco::dotCloud' => 0, ... }, 3) Configure your Monupco userID. You can get it from dotcloud var set MONUPCO_USER_ID=UserID 4) Generate a unique identifier for this application and save the value as environmental variable. dotcloud var set MONUPCO_UUID=`uuidgen` 5) Enable the registration script in your postinstall hook. **Note:** If you are using an "approot" your `postinstall` script should be in the directory pointed by the "approot" directive of your `dotcloud.yml`. For more information about `postinstall` turn to If a file named `postinstall` doesn't already exist, create it and add the following: #!/bin/sh /home/dotcloud/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Monupco/ 6) Make `postinstall` executable chmod a+x postinstall 7) Then push your application to dotCloud dotcloud push 8) If everything goes well you should see something like: 19:55:10 [www.0] Running postinstall script... 19:55:13 [www.0] Monupco: Success, registered/updated application with id 34 That's it, you can now check your application statistics at COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2012 by Alexander Todorov This module is free software and is published under the same terms as Perl itself.