# $File: //member/autrijus/Class-PseudoHash/README $ $Author: autrijus $ # $Revision: #3 $ $Change: 2351 $ $DateTime: 2001/11/13 15:06:49 $ This is the README file for Class::PseudoHash, a module to emulate pseudo-hash behaviour via overload. * Installation Class::PseudoHash uses the standard perl module install process: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install * Copyright Copyright 2001 by Autrijus Tang , All rights reserved. You can redistribute and/or modify this bundle under the same terms as Perl itself. See . * Introduction Due to its impact on overall performance of ordinary hashes, pseudo-hashes are deprecated in perl v5.8, and will cease to exist in perl v5.10. By then, the "fields" pragma is supposed to change to use a different implementation. Although the Pseudo-hashes: Using an array as a hash entry in the perlref manpage recommends against using the first-element-as-index behaviour, there are undoubtly many brave souls still writing such code, and fearing that the elimination of pseudo-hashes will require a massive rewrite of their programs. As one of the primary victims, I tried to devise a drop-in solution that could emulate exactly the same semantic of pseudo-hashes, thus keeping all my legacy code intact. So "Class::PseudoHash" was born. Please refer to the POD text for synopsis and details on usage.